
January 18, 2011

The Babysitters' Club

Josh and I met a bar (well, sitting at the bar at a TGI Fridays' bar, so it's a little more respectable less embarassing).  For the first 5+ years of our relationship, we spent every weekend night and even a good number of our weekday nights going out to dinner.  It was what we would do...get home from work, get changed, got get dinner (and maybe some drinks) sitting at the bar somewhere for a couple of hours, and then come home to enjoy each other.  Sure, it was excessive...and when I got pregnant, we both agreed that it was certainly a good kick in the butt to stay in more and spend less money.  But...old habits die hard, and as we approach month 10 (wow, huh!?!) of being parents, we are both still struggling a bit with just how different our lives have become.
Don't get me wrong.  We still go out (most weekend nights and maybe once a week during the work week), but it's definitely different: we don't sit at the bar, we're usually there for about an hour tops, and most of our "social time" is spent picking up grilled cheese pieces off the restaurant's floor.  I love my current life, and in some ways I feel like one of those girls on 16 and Pregnant for even complaining (you know the ones who are soooo shocked their lives have changed because they had a baby...I mean, come on). 

I think the thing that does surprise me, though, is how the whole babysitting thing has gone down.  You see, both sets of Colton's grandparents live within 15 miles of us, as do 2 of his 3 aunts and uncles.  Colton is the first baby on both sides of the family.  Before he was born, I really thought we'd be fighting off offers to babysit weekly.  Not so much.  Additionally, I have been surprised at how guilty I feel if and when we do go out.  Because of that, I pretty much refuse to **ask** someone to babysit (unless we have some special thing to go to)...instead we wait for offers.  So, what I envisioned to be a date night at least twice a month has turned into maybe here, maybe there.  And those I do really miss.  We have people we can hire...non family members we trust, but again, I just feel like after spending so much of the working week away from my precious baby boy that I should cherish every possible second of weekend time we have together.
So...what's a mom to do?  All you moms out do you handle babysitters in your house?  Do you just get out when it's a special occasion?  Or do you schedule in date nights and plan accordingly?  Or wait for offers like us? I'm pretty sure my guilt is a standard "mom" thing, right?


  1. Visiting from Mingle Monday...

    I completely understand what you are talking about when it comes to “not wanting to ask anyone to babysit”. I am a single mom of two amazing little boys & if it was not for my (retired) father, I don’t know what I would do as far as day care. My dad gets upset if he goes more than a couple of days without seeing my boys because he (& my sons) has grown so attached to each other. However, when it comes to date nights, weekend get a ways, etc… I feel so guilty about asking him to watch the boys. He is always more than happy to because he gets to spend time with them, but because they are there more than 3 days a week, I don’t want to burden him. Does this make sense?

  2. Totally makes sense:) That's why we try to wait for offers, instead of asking...this way I can justify it (at least in my own head) as we're doing the sitter a "favor" as much as they're doing us one. I have lots of friends that feel the same guilt...I guess it's just one of the joys of motherhood:)

  3. My children's grandparents all lived several hours away when my children were small, so my personal experience won't help. I have listened to 2 generations in a family complain about how the grandparents never offer to baby sit, and they say the children never ask us to baby sit. My personal opinion: ask! You might find that everyone is willing to baby sit once every month, and then you can make some plans!


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