
January 14, 2011

11 in 2011

I. heart. lists. (among other things).  I think it has something to do with my self-diagnosed OCD.  In that vein,I have seen several 11 in 2011 lists on different blogs that I visit, and because I love lists, I figured I had to make my own.  Presenting to you...the 11 things I hope to accomplish in 2011:
1.  Complete my FINAL diet (well unless I get knocked up again, but we'll call it final for now)...15 pounds to go!
2.  Go on at least 2 least one for just Josh and I (yay for New Orleans in March), and at least one as a family.  My goal is actually to do this every year from now on, but hopefully we'll kick it off this year. 
3.  Install new carpet in the living room.
4.  Complete the guest room and playroom set up.
5.  Take Colton to Mommy and Me swim lessons.
6.  Rediscover reading.  I saw someone else who was reading a book a month.  I'm not that ambitious...I'll aim for one a quarter (4 books in a year...pretty pathetic from a first grade teacher, huh?).
7.  Attack our front flower beds...they need some major landscaping help, and I need some major Landscaping 101.
8.  Continue blogging regardless of how many people are reading or not!  I really enjoy the creative outlet this has become.
9.  Purge my wardrobe, so I can build my grown-up ensemble.  Sadly, I still own clothes that I wore way back in high school, and even more sadly, I still occasionally wear them.  I want to clean, take stock, and start buying pieces that are a little more appropriate.
10.  Get Chipper's behavior in line...probably by attending some sort of obedience classes (again).
11. Come up with a part-time income, so I can stay home from teaching next year (if I choose that path).

So that's it.  I really feel good about it because I really think I can get these things done.  What about you guys?  Any things you want to get done this year?  Do share please...


  1. Good Luck with your list. Enjoy your trips. We are hoping to do more traveling this year to since being stationed in germany

  2. Stopping by from the weekend hops to say hello and to follow.
    Have a great weekend!


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