
December 28, 2010

Snowed In Sunday

On Christmas night, it started snowing and by the time we woke up Sunday morning, this was the scene in our backyard:
We ended up with over a foot of snow...crazy amounts of snow for a city that shuts down at the mere sight of a flake.  Needless to say, our Sunday was spent snowed in.  Have no fear, though.  While most of the day was spent lounging in our pj's, watching football, and spending quality time with my three favorite boys, I did manage to take advantage of Colton's naptime to conquer a project I have been meaning to get to for awhile.  I stress the I because I literally did all the moving myself, with the exception of the dresser.  I have learned the perfect combat for my husband's procrastination issue is to just start doing it myself.  Once it's almost complete, he has no choice but to help me complete or we will live in utter chaos until it is works, trust me:)
Anyhow, a few months ago, I blogged about our two back rooms and the issue we were having with them.  You can read about it here if you want.  Well, after ridiculous amounts  debate, we have finally decided the first room (the brick room, for obvious reasons in a few minutes) will serve as the guest room.  We decided to leave the desk in there as well for a few reasons: 1. it was really hard to fit through the door in the first place and neither of us really wanted to conquer that beast again, 2. Josh wanted a "quiet place" (his words, not mine) to go pay our bills, 3.  I agreed because I figured our rare guest wouldn't really mind a desk being in the room, so why fight it?  So, here's our new guest room/office:

Now, it just needs some paint, a new desk chair, some accessories...the fun part!
As for the other room, we have decided to make it a second living room of sorts, with a focus on Colton's playroom.  I envision us spending a good part of our "at home" time back in that room, with him playing away and me supervising.  We still need a lot to complete this room (a couch, some shelving for his toys, tons of decorations, etc), but this is the beginnings:

Not too bad for a 2 hour transformation, huh?  Like I said earlier, now the real fun begins...I love planning and executing new rooms!  Anybody else have a snowed in Sunday that you took advantage of?  What do you think of our rooms...good use of the space? 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you had so much snow! I hope you enjoyed it! Stopping by from mingle Monday! I am your newest follower!


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