
November 1, 2010

My Favorite Weiners

No, not that kind...these weiners:

Colton and Chipper were both hot dogs for Halloween (if you can't tell). Unfortunately, we failed to capture a much better picture of the two perpetual wiggle worms, but you get the idea. It was darn cute. And brings me to a much bigger point.

Years ago (I think I was on our honeymoon actually), I was reading a book, Baby Proof... it was meant to be a mindless read, and for the most part it was (although really fun from what I remember), but the main character who herself was debating the merits of having children or not, explained her decision to finally embark on the journey as something like this. She reasoned that life is filled with firsts: your first steps, your first day of school, first kiss, etc, but then once you get married and buy your first house, those firsts are few and far between. Kindof sad, huh? With children, though, you get to experience all of those firsts again, but through their eyes. That point really resonated with me then, and continues to resonate with me now.

While Colton has had his fair share of firsts that have been remarkable and probably much more momentous, putting his Halloween costume on for the first time and watching his little face delight as he saw other people's costumes, dancing skeletons, and scary skulls brought back so much joy to a holiday I had pretty much written off. Now I can hardly wait until next year when he takes to the streets with the rest of those trick-or-treaters for the first time.

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