
April 11, 2014

Weekend Perfection

It's not often I do weekend recap posts, but every once in awhile, we have one so fantastic I feel like I must document it!  And this weekend, with its glorious weather and fun, was one of those!
On Friday, temperatures soared into the low 80s here in VB.  Everywhere you went, it seemed people were just in a good included!  When Colton got out of school, we decided to meet my sister out for lunch, sitting outside of course!
After eating, the boys were eager to give their new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (our new obsession) sprinkler a try.  I think this guy will be getting a lot of use this summer!

After some naps (and some sitting out in the sun and relaxing time for mom), we were off to our Friday night hang-out for dinner.  Again, we, of course, sat out on the patio and enjoyed a fun dinner much so that we even managed to make some new friends out there who treated my boys (yes, the grown up one too) to two ridiculous desserts that they totally didn't need.
We got home, tucked the boys snugly in bed, and then Josh and I headed out on the back patio to watch some tv and have a drink out there together...perfection!

On Saturday, it was a bit cooler out, but still sunny and nice, so again, we spent the day outside enjoying it.  We took the boys for a bike ride/wagon ride around the neighborhood before heading to a Touch-a-Truck event.  Colton absolutely loved climbing up all the big trucks, honking their horns, and pretending to drive...Levi, not so much!  Eventually, he did seem to warm up and joined in the fun.



On the way home, we stopped at the Farmer's Market for some much-needed ice cream.
That night my parents had asked to watch the kids (a treat we rarely get), so Josh and I were happy to oblige and enjoy a date night of our own.
On Sunday the boys and I took it easy together while Josh was out golfing.  We cuddled on the couch and watched Frozen finally.  More accurately, Colton and I watched Frozen while Levi ran around the living room causing mischief!
And that night, I got to have a girls' night out for a good friend's birthday!
It really was a darn-near perfect weekend, and with similar weather predicted for this weekend, I'm banking on the fact that this one may be another winner!  

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