
April 21, 2014

Spring Celebrating 2014

I love that my kids are growing up in an interfaith household where they get to experience so many wonderful traditions, customs, and holidays.  But a couple times of year that means we are super busy! And Spring is one of those times...
Last Monday, we all gathered at my parents house for our annual Seder.  A Seder isn't necessarily a very exciting event (at least compared to egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, etc), but the boys did get to taste matzo ball soup (which they loved), hunt for the afikomen (a hidden piece of matzah), and play with the Passover stickers Nene got them.

Over the course of the week, I tried to teach the boys a little about honoring Passover.  As Jews, we are not supposed to eat anything that has risen (mainly bread, but basically anything with flour/yeast so pasta, baked goods, and some even take it to rice, corn, etc).  So, we substituted matzah sandwiches at lunch time and even tried matzo brei (a delicious scrambled egg and matzah combo that I have always loved and my boys agreed!) one morning for breakfast.  And that was pretty much it for our Passover celebration!
Of course, we also had to fit Easter in.
We dyed and painted eggs.

And we made some chocolate peanut butter eggs to give away as gifts.
And when Easter morning rolled around, the boys were very excited to find that the Easter Bunny had indeed come and left them some goodies behind.

Colton and Levi were super excited to find out that the Easter bunny had even left behind some eggs out front for them to hunt for.

When they were done with that hunt, the boys headed over to their Gammy and Pop's house for another egg hunt (this time with their cousin Gavin who was going to church afterwards hence his spiffy appearance) and some breakfast.

At night we concluded our celebrating with dinner at Josh's parents house.  
It's no secret that I love traditions and celebrating, so I must admit I am a little sad that our celebrating is over...until the next holiday rolls around anyway!

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