
December 9, 2013

Weekend Recap

I don't usually do weekend recap posts, but this one was a bit eventful...some good, some I figured I'd share.
On Friday, I picked Levi and I picked Colton up from school and I decided it would be a fun special treat to take the boys out to lunch.  I allowed Colton to pick our location.  His favorite place to eat is Chik-Fil-A (more for the play area than the food), so, of course, we ended up there.  Well, about 5 minutes into the meal, he told me he had to go to the bathroom.  I was in the process of getting up, gathering him, our belongings, Levi, etc when all of a sudden, he threw up.  Everywhere.  Y'all it was awful.  For one thing, he's never really thrown up before.  So I was kind of in shock and pretty much froze as to how to help him/Levi/the clean up/the poor other Chik-Fil-A diners who had just witnessed it/had their lunches ruined!  Luckily, a very kind couple who was sitting next to us came to my rescue.  The man went to get a bucket, while the lady offered to watch Levi so I could take Colton to the bathroom.  Obviously I didn't take a complete stranger up on the offer to watch my baby (although I did leave my purse with her), but it did kind of jog the thought that I should probably get him to the bathroom!  Thank goodness he didn't have any more issues while we were in there (except for the fact that he freaked out that we couldn't go in the play area any more), and I got him nice and cleaned up.  When we got back out, some poor Chik-Fil-A worker was busy cleaning up our mess.  I asked him multiple times to let me do it, but he politely refused each time (while having to hold his breath to clean it up!).  As I told Josh when I called him on the way home, I was totally embarrassed to have had such a public disaster, but at the same time, I was secretly grateful I didn't have to clean it up!  I just wish I had thought to buy the couple some gift cards or something and tip the man because they really were very helpful.  So now not only can we cross emergency room off our parenting to-do list, we can also add throwing up in a public place.  Super!
Needless to say, we took it pretty easy the rest of the day, although Colton claimed to have immediately felt better and really showed no further signs of being sick!
On Saturday, then, Josh and I dropped the boys off at his mom and dad's house so we could head to Williamsburg.  His company holiday party was there that night, and we (and every other employee for that matter) had a hotel room compliments of the company (thanks dad!) for the night.  Williamsburg is only about 45 minutes away from us, but we only make the trip about once a year or so.  We went up early enough to hit the outlets for a little bit and then stopped to get a nice lunch out.  Once we checked into the hotel, we hung out downstairs at the bar with my parents and sister (in case you're new here, Josh works for my dad as does my company events are pretty much family events as well which makes it fun) before getting all dressed up for the party.  I didn't manage to take any pictures except one selfie (although I do have some interesting videos of people dancing...and a man in a neon orange tux), but we had a blast, especially once my abundance of drinks kicked in and I hit the dance floor (something I only do if I've had a few drinks!).  It's always nice to have some quality adult time with my hubby...and even nicer when it lasts for 24 straight hours!
On Sunday, we trekked home in the nasty weather (thank goodness ours was just rain though instead of the crazy snow a few hours north!) and happily reunited with our boys.  We joined my family for Steeler Sunday (where the Steelers lost a heartbreaker) and then headed home for the night.  I wish this little story would have ended there, but unfortunately, as I was typing this, poor Colty got sick again!  UH!  What I was writing off as an isolated incident Friday is clearly some bug or something...or maybe he just ate too much junk today...or some combo.  Now I just have my fingers crossed that it was our last clean up for quite some time!
Anybody else have an eventful weekend?!?

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