
October 9, 2013

Easy Fan Upgrade

When Colton was just a few months old, my sister and I were in his room changing him on his table (I guess it took two of us at that point...).  There was also a balloon in there, left over from Josh's birthday celebration earlier.  And the fan was on.  Well, somehow, someway, the balloon got swept up in the fan's blades. After a few seconds of banging, the glass lamp portion of the fan came crashing down, shattering everywhere, but somehow missing me, my sister, and Colton.  If I haven't told it well enough, let me assure you it was crazy scary!  But we got over the initial shock, cleaned up the glass, and left the fan without a lamp.
For the record, Colton is now 3 1/2, and yes, the fan has sat like this, even once the room became Levi's...

Well, this weekend, I finally got the chutzpah to do something about it. First, I rounded up my supplies: a lamp shade with a spider top (don't know if that's technically the name, but that's what I call it), an all-thread lamp pipe, and some couplings (both found in the lighting section at Home Depot).
Once home, I got to work.  I screwed the lamp pipe into the existing coupling.

And then attached another coupling at the end of the pipe about an inch up.  I hung the lamp shade, technically upside down, and used another coupling on the other side to secure it in place.

The whole process took about 2 minutes...which is uber exciting for me as I have a few other places in mind that I may have to try this update out on!
Now that the shade is in place, I have some plans to give it an update (starting with removing the plastic wrap...) and make it the first step in transforming Levi's nursery into Levi's big boy room!

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