
September 11, 2013

Off To School

Colton started school last Wednesday.  Levi started this past Monday. (*they are going to different schools...Levi's program at Colton's school was only offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which would be the opposite days as Colton...which didn't seem to make much we sent him elsewhere...actually to the preschool I went to as a little girl...CRAZY!).  Anyways, the boys have both been in school for a bit now; therefore, it's high time I share these pics with you...
I try to build the first day of school up for the boys to be a really special day.  I want them to love school and love going.  Our back-to-school fun actually started the night before.  I had made Colton a big cookie cake (we didn't repeat it for Levi because it just seemed like the significance would be lost on him...he is only 1 1/2 after all, but the boy surely does love his cake!).  And before bedtime, we read him The Night Before Preschool.

So, to start the morning off on a good note, the boys each were excited to find that the back-to-school fairy had made a visit overnight.  She left Colton some superhero underwear (which were quite the hit), superhero crayons, and a Superman pencil pouch (can you tell someone has a superhero obsession currently).  Levi got some crayons, a book, and some jelly beans (which wasn't very smart of the back-to-school fairy because she should have known he would have then wanted to eat them, and only them, for breakfast).   I also left a little note in Colton's about how excited we were for him, and how proud of him we are, and all that, but he didn't really seem to care too much about that part...

A few weeks back, we let Colton pick out his bookbag.  I wasn't thrilled that he went with Angry Birds, but he loves it, so I guess that's all that matters, right?!?

Once they were sufficiently amped up by their back-to-school presents, we added to the excitement by digging into their special breakfast.  I let Colton pick out anything he wanted for breakfast, trying to tell him to pick something that would give him good energy, make him ready to listen, etc.  His pick?  Chocolate doughnuts!  What can I say?!?  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!  Luckily we had a few leftover the next week when it was Levi's first day, so we just did a repeat special breakfast.

And after we managed to get all dressed and ready, we were finally out the door.  Of course they had to stop and pose for their obligatory photo.

I don't know if it was all my shenanigans or what, but both boys arrived at school ready to go.  I was pretty confident Colton would walk right in and get started, which he did.  Josh and I (Josh had come home from work to take him to school with me) pretty much had to beg him to turn around to say good-bye.  And I was pretty confident Levi would be a lot tougher sell.  But he wasn't!!!! He walked right in as well...with a kind of tentative look, but still.  
They were both such  big boys, which made me so proud, happy, and sad all at the same time.

So far their school years are both off to a wonderful start!  Colton absolutely loves his new school (he made a change from last year), and I am beyond thrilled with his teachers, the program, and everything he is doing and getting there.  It's a bit harder to read Levi, but he does like saying "school," so fingers crossed that it's a good sign!

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