
September 24, 2013

Florida Family Time

Surprise, surprise...again!  Last week, Josh, the boys, and I packed our bags for the second time in a month...this time to travel down to South Florida.  Josh and my brother had a work conference there (in Boca specifically), and because we have family down that way, my sister in-law, niece, sister, and the boys and I all tagged along for an action-packed, fun long weekend...with lots and lots of eating!  And of course, I took a whole slew of pictures, so now you get to see exactly how we spent each and every moment (obviously not literally, but with 150ish pictures total from the weekend, I feel like I must have done nothing but take pictures!).
So, Wednesday, we woke up way, way early and made our way down to Florida.  Like I mentioned, Josh and my brother were technically in town for work, but I think the main reason for our trip was to see my grandfather.  At 84, his age has kind of suddenly caught up with him and he has had a few setbacks (along with some progress) over the past several months.  His trips to Virginia Beach are probably a thing of the past, but the boys love their Big Papa...and we love our we seize any chance we can to get to spend time with him.  So before driving over to Boca, we stopped at Papa's for lunch at Chipper's, his club's restaurant that we eat at several times on each trip!
And after stuffing our faces for the first of many times, we made the trek over to the Boca Resort, our home for the next few days.  I didn't take nearly enough pictures of the property, but I loved the place, particularly the Beach Club that was associated with it.  After all, this was our view during our stay:
And they had this "quest" for the kids to complete, where they were supposed to find different landmarks along the property.  Whenever they did, they could pick up a bracelet there.  Obviously, my boys didn't fully get the "quest," but they did love collecting bracelets and we got to really tour the grounds.  We even discovered a pretty cool kapok tree.  I'm not usually a tree person, but this guy certainly impressed me!

After getting to the hotel, the plan was to squeeze in a nap, but in what would become a common theme of the weekend, that just didn't happen (my brother's room wasn't ready, so they hung out in ours...which meant the boys were in total show off mode and in no mood to nap).  By the time we landed at dinner (Table 42 if you're interested, which I would say was good...not amazing, but good!) we had been up since 4:30, so needless to say dinner was pretty much a stressful disaster.  As evidence of how over it I must have been, I didn't even take a single picture!  But we survived and it was on to the next day...
On Thursday, we met my cousin and her little girl at the Young at Art Museum in Davie, Florida (oh after a little fire drill adventure where I had to evacuate the hotel with the boys and my niece because my sister-in-law was having her turn working out..).  Talk about a cool place!  It was really hands-on with lots of different things for the kids to touch, play with, and explore.  And it was super cute to watch all four of them hanging out...

 After fun at the museum, we met up with Papa...again...for lunch at Chipper's...again!  Colton was insistent that he wear his infamous superheroes shirt to show to Big Papa while he was down in Florida, so he wasted no time in telling him...and later Papa's girlfriend, Doris... who everyone was on there (have no clue how he even knows who they are meanwhile!)...

While Papa is very anxious to hopefully ditch his wheelchair one day soon, he certainly loves giving the kids rides on it in the meantime.  And they loved getting them!

With lunch over, we headed back to Boca for yet another failed nap (this time after lost dee dee adventure I'll have to tell you more about tomorrow) and dinner out...this time at Max's Grille in Mizner Park (loved the atmosphere, loved the food...would definitely recommend)...and another early night after a jam-packed, nap free day!
Friday we decided to stay around our hotel a bit, since we would be checking out later in the day to head to a new one closer to my grandfather.  Of course, the boys had to squeeze in some pool time...

And we did some shopping at Mizner Park...
And then grabbed some lunch (and treats) at the Serendipity (like the New York institution) inside our hotel.  I insisted on ordering the famous frozen hot chocolate for the boys to try, and while they both tried it out, they were much more interested in the colorful lollipops.  Which left me to drink the frozen hot chocolate I totally didn't need to drink!  But it was pretty darn good (even if it left me painfully full for the rest of the day).

After some much needed naps (thank goodness!), we said good bye to the Boca Resort, checked ourselves into the Riverside on Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale, and because it had been a few hours, we headed over to my grandfather's house for family dinner (Anthony's Coal Fire Pizza...which I highly recommend if you're ever in Florida or anywhere else there's a location)!  

Saturday's main event (and probably the main event of the entire trip) was lunch (if you can call it lunch) at Jaxson's Ice Cream Parlour.  My cousins, brother, sister, and I have fond memories of going to the Florida landmark (it's often featured on the Travel Channel and things like that) with my grandparents, and thought it would be fun to bring the kids.  Plus, who doesn't love gargantuous ice cream sundaes for lunch?  And carousel rides?  And fun ice cream sundae face pictures afterwards?

As much as I enjoyed the opportunity to eat ice cream, what was most enjoyable was watching my grandfather get to enjoy four out of five of his grandchildren and all four of his great grandchildren.   It's amazing to remember being there with him as a little girl and now to be there as a grown up...with my children...and my cousin's child... and my brother's child...
After stuffing our faces full yet again, we headed back to the hotel.  While Levi took a nap, Colton and I went down to the pool (along with a bunch of people who were partying away in the pool...must say I was a tad bit jealous!).
And then headed over to my aunt's house for yet another meal (can you tell I need to diet pronto!?!)...and time with Big Papa...and pictures, lots of pictures.

 Saying good bye to Papa was tough.  We don't have another Florida trip scheduled anytime soon, and I guess it's only natural to fear that we may not get another chance...So we hugged, and kissed, and said our I love you's, and crossed our fingers that we would do this again...

So with full hearts and a few tears, our Florida weekend drew to a close.  It was busy, and hectic, but in the best way.  Time with family...with the shared memories, easy going rapport, and lots and lots of priceless.  I grew up loving my trips to Florida, and I'm pretty sure my boys are going to look back fondly on their childhood trips there as well...

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