
August 30, 2013

This is Me: Hobbies

OK folks...two more chapters to go in the self-imposed "This is Me" challenge.  I can do this (***and one day I will be glad I did...I think***).  This week's section is hobbies, so let's dive right in...
What are your current hobbies?
I would say my biggest "hobby"right now (as in way I like to spend my free time) is blogging and all that it entails.  I love trying out new DIY projects, recipes, crafts, and even kid-friendly activities, and I think blogging fuels that fire because I feel motivated to keep doing it.  Truthfully, my hobbies have veered towards the domestic (cooking, entertaining, decorating) ever since we got married, but I think the blog just makes it more relevant...and allows me to do some writing too which I enjoy!
Pinterest and Candy Crush would also be big hobbies...if they count!
I work out every day, but I don't really consider that a hobby...just another thing I have to do!
What hobbies have you had in the past?
I was a competitive swimmer from the time I was 10 until I graduated high school.  With practices before school, after school, and on weekends, swimming took up all my free time for those years.
I have always loved to bake (although my mom would never let me because she said I got the kitchen too messy).  And I have always enjoyed doing crafty things...friendship bracelets, scrapbooks, etc.
How often do you get to do your hobbies?
I try to devote at least half of the kids' nap time each day (so at least an hour) to working on some sort of house project.  Some days that's more fun than others, but for simplicity sake, we'll say I work on my hobbies about an hour a day!
What hobbies do you wish you could start?
I have frequently thought of buying a sewing machine and learning to sew.  I would probably use it to make pillows, curtains, and other home decor items instead of clothes, but it would definitely be a new hobby.
I have also wanted to try stand-up paddleboarding.  I know a few people who have done it and loved it!   I guess that would be a very seasonal hobby though!

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