
June 17, 2013

Favorite Things Party

I have been dying to host a favorite things party for about as long as I can remember!  A few weeks ago, I finally bit the bullet, sent out some invites via Facebook, and last week the big night arrived. I had promised, promised, promised Josh that I would keep the cost of this party low and I must admit that I did a pretty darn good job.  I used a lot of stuff that we had on hand and some additional low-cost items (paper, tissue paper, engineer print) to create the decorations.  I went with a bright and happy rainbowish color scheme with touches of chalkboard (in the engineer print, food tags, and even the wine glasses).

If you're unfamiliar with a favorite things party, here's the basics of how we ran it.  Everybody was instructed to bring their favorite item.  It can be absolutely anything: food, beauty product, accessory, gift card, etc.  I put a $7 price range on mine because I didn't want people feeling like they had to spend an arm and a leg for this thing, especially because everybody actually brings four of their thing!  Once at the party, everyone writes their name down four times.
I had everyone pick a number to determine the order of how we would present our favorite things.  One at a time, then, each girl got up, briefly introduced her item, and then drew four names to present the item to.
Admittedly, my friends were all a bit skeptical at first, but it was such a good time.  It was really fun to see the wide variety of what people brought: everything from a bottle of wine to drink stakes to shawls to earrings to beauty products (spray on lotion, Bath and Body Works stuff, mascara).  We all got really into each item and it felt super exciting to hear your name called to get an item!

I gave each girl a little bag to take her new goodies home in
And in each bag, I also put a jar of Funfetti Dip (one of my favorite things!) and some mini graham crackers for dipping as a thank you for putting up with me and my constant party-throwing!
In the end, we all had such a good time that we discussed making it an annual thing or even doing another one in a different season because so many people's item seemed to be summer motivated.  If you're looking for a fun reason to get a bunch of girlfriends together, I highly recommend a Favorite Things party.  Good food, good wine, good friends, and new goodies to take home at the end of the night...does it get any better?!?

And I want you to be able to have all this fun too!  Favorite things party in a box and specific elements from this party are now available in my Etsy shop.  Click here to find them!

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