
April 8, 2013

Just Like His Momma

Colton has been talking about his birthday party for months.  When he first started, he wanted a basketball ("hoop ball" in his words) party.  And so I started pinning stuff.  And then for Hanukkah, my cousin sent him a "Mickey Mouse Choo Choo" DVD that he quickly became obsessed with, and from that moment on, we were officially having a Mickey Mouse Choo Choo party!
This party was a big turning point for us.  At his first birthday, Colton was the only child there!  Last year, there were about a handful of kids.  But this year, Colton has quite the crew...his friends that are from our friends, his playmate friends, and his school friends.  And he was super stoked to have all of these friends over at his house for his party! If we're judging the success of the party on whether or not Colton had fun (which ultimately should be the only factor, right?), I think we can safely say it was a major success!

The main attraction of the party, at least from the kids perspective, was the bounce house (Mickey Mouse themed of course!).  Best money we've ever spent...they jumped and jumped and jumped some more (and then took some pretty amazing naps afterwards).

We already had a lot of kids invited (our friends' kids, the kids we play with), so we chose not to invite all of Colton's classmates.  However, there are three special friends he talks about all the time.  Of course, we invited them, and my goodness, was he ever excited to have Mollie, Macie, and Jacob at his house.  And honestly, it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen to watch him interact with his friends!

Colton even let Macie help him open his presents (wedding invites will be in the mail in about 25 years...).

Oh and don't you worry about Levi...he was definitely busy getting himself involved in this party as well.

For any three year old (or 32 year old in my case), the highlight of any birthday is the cake.  Appropriately, Colton was a big fan of his!

I tend to get sentimental at birthdays, and this one was no different.  I can't believe how amazing of a little boy my guy has turned out to be.  And I can't believe how fortunate we have each other, to have wonderfully supportive family members who love our boys like their own, and to have friends (new and old) to share these special days with.

When it was all said and done, Colton was one happy (and sleepy!) boy.  Of course, he had to sneak in one last cupcake before giving up for his nap!
And with his party over, I think we can now officially move on from birthday celebrating around here!  
For those of you looking for more info on the actual party (decorations, food, favors, etc), have no fear!  I decided to save that stuff for another post, and will be back tomorrow with it!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the train cake! The marshmallow "wheels" were genius!


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