
March 20, 2013

If you Build It, They Will Come

That's  my new approach with spring. According to the calendar, it's official y'all.  Nevermind the fact that the weather around here is far from cooperating...spring is here!  And even though we may still be stuck in sweaters and Ugg boots, I am determined to start ushering in my favorite season!  I figure if I start acting like it's spring...dressing in spring colors, doing spring type stuff, etc, the weather will have to jump on board, right?!?
Every season I create a bucket list of family activities, and I've really enjoyed the experiences the boys and I have had in doing so.  Oftentimes on a day on which we have no plans, I'll just take a quick glance at what's left on our bucket list, pick something, and go for it!  A lot of times our activities I probably wouldn't have thought of if I hadn't taken the time to create a list in the first place.
So now we're at spring.  Just like with the other seasons, I tried to include things that were quintessential spring.  However, I did not include things on our list that we would likely do frequently-namely parks in this case.  I created  festive cards, printed up each activity on one, and then put them on a cookie sheet turned magnetic board.

Once we complete an activity, it comes down.  Pretty simple, huh?
Since you probably can't actually read the cards, here's a quick run down of our Spring bucket list:
*dye easter eggs *egg hunt *make chocolate-peanut butter eggs *eat matzo brei
*feed ducks *play in the rain *Grommet Park *boardwalk (before all the tourists get here)
*strawberry picking *fizzing sidewalk art *ride the Tide *Botanical Gardens *zoo 
*paddle boating *grass heads *have a picnic *fly a kite *Nauticus *go fishing
*golf course *plant a seed *go to an outdoor festival *have a cookout *dog park visit

I'm hoping if we get started maybe Spring will respond by actually showing up!  Can you all think of anything I've missed?

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