
February 25, 2013

Dot, Dot, Dot

A few weeks back, one of my mom's friend's daughters (you follow that?) contacted me asking me to host a Stella and Dot party.  My first reaction was to blow her off.  I'm not really a fan of those kinds of parties or making people feel pressure to buy stuff.  But the girl kept persisting, and eventually I looked at the Stella and Dot spring line (after she told me 75% of it is under $50!).  Y'all it  was all super cute (like I wanted everything), and we all know I love a good get-together, so I figured why the hell not?!?
And my party planning mind immediately kicked into gear.  I had decided from the onset that I would keep the menu at just desserts and champagne since the party wasn't starting until 7, but I was having a hard time narrowing down all the amazing dessert choices out there.  At one point, I literally had about 20 possible items on my menu, but then I had an epiphany.  Follow me here...Stella and Dot...polka dot...sprinkles are dots, right?  Let's go with a sprinkle/polka dot theme...and voila:

yes, I took pictures pre-food because the lighting was better....everyone does that, right?

I had promised Josh I would keep this shindig's expenses minimal.  I figured the jewelry was really the star of the show, so there was no need to decorate to the nines.  I went simple instead with just the polka dot garland and vases (wrapped in cardstock).  And for the menu (if you can't make it out from the pictures), I went with frosted sugar cookie bars, cake batter cheesecake bars, Funfetti dip, and fruit and dip (not exactly sprinkles, but multi-colored if that counts).  
I must admit the party was much more fun than I had expected.   I booted Josh and the boys down to the playroom and had some of my girlfriends over for a little quality time, complete with jewelry shopping! And speaking of the jewelry, I still have not made my purchases because honestly I just can't choose.   Below are some of my top contenders (of which I'll probably end up getting them all!)L Ginger Layering necklace,  Lily chandelier earrings, and Fiona Bib necklace.
    Lily Chandeliers
I did make a New Year's goal to start accessorizing more, soooo I think they're all justified, right?  I figured some of you may not have a Stella and Dot party of your own on the calendar and may really want to get in on the fun, so here's the link to my party's page: Stella and Dot party.  I'm going to keep it open for the next few days, so if you're thinking about buying something, go for it!

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