
January 17, 2013

Winter OneDerland: Favors, Activities, and Anything Else

I'm going to try to finish up my posts about Levi's Winter OneDerland party today by including any left over details! (If you missed the posts about the decorations or food, just check back from the last couple of days.)
Let's start with the activities shall we?  I am a big believer in having optional, varied activities at parties so that guests can choose if/what they want to participate in. Even though there we had a good number of adults in attendance, I figured they would mainly want to eat, drink, and watch football (which I was right on all accounts), so I focused my activity planning on the kiddos.  The highlight of the party was our "snow" (ordered from  We contained the stuff to one of our inflatable pools, and the kids had a blast playing in it.  To be honest, I don't know if it feels exactly like snow, but to a bunch of Virginia kids who really don't know what snow is it was awesome!

Considering it was in the mid-60s the day of our party, the kids ended up spending the bulk of the rest of their time just playing in the yard.  I had some snow glue and the game Don't Break the Ice out on the back patio in case they wanted more options, and they did try out both.  Colton got really into Don't Break the Ice towards the end of the party and is now OBSESSED!
In case the weather hadn't been as nice, I had also purchased Happy Feet to have on inside, so the kids would have stuff to do inside.  We didn't end up using it, but it was a nice plan B!
While we didn't really have activities for the adults, I had made a short video of Levi's first 365 days and had it playing for the first half hour or so of the party (my dad kept trying to turn it off to watch the football game, though, so it didn't last long!).  And like we had done for Colton's first birthday, we asked guests to bring an item for a time capsule in lieu of typical presents (although people didn't listen and brought gifts anyway in addition to the time capsule stuff).  Levi did end up with some pretty cool stuff for his time capsule, though: t-shirts from Va. Beach landmarks, video of "Gangam Style," and even a picture of Virginia Beach's new Target (my new home) which should be pretty fun to look at in 18 years!
As for favors, we did a kid version and an adult version.
The adults got jars of "snowman soup" (hot chocolate, marshmallows, a few Hershey Kisses, and a miniature candy cane.
And the kids got the snowman bags (created by me) filled with some snowman goodies (bubbles, a lollipop, pencil, and notepad) from Oriental Trading and a packet of hot chocolate.
The tags on the goody bags, which read "Thanks for making my party onederful. Love, Levi," were designed by me along with all the other signage from the party.

And I think that may finally conclude my report on Levi's Winter OneDerland.  I had been mentally planning this party from the day he was born, and it was so fun (and a lot of work!) to see it all come together just as I had seen in my head.  And luckily the birthday boy seemed to enjoy his big day as much as I had hoped he would!  So once again, a very happy first birthday to my baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. I love this birthday party idea! It is so cute. My son is 2.5 and loves Happy Feet 2! I can also watch because it's great animation.


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