
October 30, 2012

The Upside of our Epic Fail

Yesterday, I shared with you all the details that went into making our trip to Nashville a complete disaster.  But because I try to look at the sunny side of things, I was also careful to look for those little silver linings.  One of the clearest advantages of our trip was just how much time I had to relax...and actually get some reading done...without a toddler and/or baby trying to compete for my attention.  I mean, what else is there to do when you're in a hotel room with a sick husband in bed (although on day 2 I did manage to find a nice bench outside to sit on instead!).
Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to finish up my first selection...The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
The book honestly hadn't really been on my radar, but when I was looking for something to download before the trip, it was in the iPad download's top 10.  And then I read the reviews and people were calling it a modern Catcher in the Rye...more thought-provoking than I normally go for, but I really liked Catcher in high school, so I was tempted.  And finally, I saw that is has been made into a movie that has just come out, and that was the clencher (I don't know why but I really like reading books that have been made into's fun to watch the story come to life I guess).  
So, I downloaded it, and approximately 4 hours later (our 1 1/2 hour flight + a couple hours of in-room time), I was done with it.  If my quick read time isn't enough of an indication, I will be straightforward and tell you I really enjoyed reading it.  It was certainly a nice change of pace from my usual chick-lit.  And even though I am far removed from high school, I found myself relating to it...not in the sense that I was ever a "wallflower" (nor was I wildly popular or anything), but just in the sense of trying to find your place...and your the world.  
So if you're looking for a good, quick read, pick it up! 

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