
October 15, 2012

For the Record

I had an excellent childhood, but I don't necessarily remember my parents doing anything "special" with us.  I remember days spent at the beach and/or pool (although if you knew my mom, you would probably agree that those were probably more for her than us) and probably even an occasional trip to the amusement park, but I don't remember going to the zoo, or park, or the pumpkin patch.
Creating experiences and memories for my children is one of my biggest goals as a mom (ya know, besides raising them to be good people and all).  Josh often chides me, though, that our children will likely not remember all the outings, crafts, and whatnot that I insist on doing for them.  And they may not, I guess, BUT there will be tons of photos, and of course, this little ole blog, to prove it!  I don't know if they will one day agree, but I think my boys are pretty darn lucky to have a mom (and dad most of the time!) who is so willing to take them places and let them experience things (pat myself on the back, huh).
This weekend alone, they spent Saturday at the ODU Homecoming parade, tailgate, and football game.  There were bubbles, candy, dogs, football...basically all of Colton's favorite things.  Levi, who loves anything with noise and motion, was also pretty much in heaven.  Plus, he managed to attract quite a bit of attention, especially at the parade!  And here comes the ridiculous photo dump to show you:

And then on Sunday, I took them (with a friend of mine and her little girl) to Hunt Club Farm for some petting zoo, pony ride, and hay ride fun.  They also have a pumpkin patch there, but Josh will be returning with us at a later date for that part!

It was a good weekend...busy, but good.  And the thing is, as much as I do these things for the boys to have experiences and/or memories, I also do it for me.  They're only this little once, and there is nothing cooler than seeing their little faces light up when they see something new or do something they really enjoy.  So even if they won't remember doing these things in the future, I will:)

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