
October 19, 2012

Destination: Music City

Next week, Josh and I will be travelling to Nashville, Tennessee for a few days.  He has work there, and I'm tagging along like I've done in the past.  And yep, the kiddos will be staying here, so I am super stoked/crazy sad to be leaving them for a few days.  Obviously I am going to miss my boys like crazy, but I must admit I am also beyond excited to sit in a hotel bar and have a drink (I've looked with longing at those lucky adults in the bar when we have been on our avec kids trips lately) and lay in bed watching the "Today Show" until whatever time I please!
But I am also excited to travel somewhere new.  Usually Josh's work things are in Florida, and while I'm never against travel to the Sunshine State, I've been there, done that lots of times.  Nashville is one of those cities that's always been on my radar as somewhere I'd like to go one day, so yay for checking it off my bucket list.
Since we found out we were going, I have, of course, researched the place.  And from what I've been able to gather it's almost like a New Orleans, but less rowdy (?), less dirty (hopefully?), and more country (for sure!).  It's clear that the bar and music scene is not to be missed, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do during the day while Josh is in his meetings...and this is where you all hopefully can help me out!
Any Nashville people out there?  Or vacationed there?  What is there to do? Anything not to miss?
To help give you some perspective, I will likely be spending my day with three other wives.  In general, I would say the crew runs more toward shopping, nice lunches (with a good drink!) type activities than cultural, tour type stuff...although we would probably do the latter if it was worth it!
And speaking of, let me also illicit your opinion on something.  My mom happens to be one of those wives I will be travelling with.  For those of you who do not know, my mom is a professional "lay out by the pool"-er.  Hey, I like doing it too, but only when appropriate.  After checking the Nashville forecast, she instructed me to pack my bathing suit as she thinks that the pool will be on our agenda.  The forecast?  70 and sunny.  Am I the only one who does not think this is necessarily pool weather?!?  I mean, a nice outdoor activity...yes, but laying out at a pool, hmmm.
Seriously, I don't generally get a lot of comments which I totally understand, BUT if you have Nashville insight of any kind please share!

1 comment:

  1. Opry Mills is a nice place to shop. Check out their website for a list of the stores there. My aunt recommends staying at the Gaylord Opryland Resort, but I haven't actually been there myself. There are several shops and restaurants at the resort.


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