
September 14, 2012


First, a forewarning: this post is going to be chock full of randomness.  And honestly, nobody outside of me may really care, but I feel like I need to update you on a few things I have posted about before, so instead of doing so in lots of separate posts, I figured I would just condense it down to this one.  Remember, you've been warned.
1.  50 Shades of Grey: When I first posted, I had only read about 1 1/2 of the books and was kind of iffy about the whole phenomenon.  I have now finished all 3 and can totally understand the draw.  BUT with that being said, I should also mention that I thought the first was eh, the second was really good, and the third was about half eh and half really good (like, literally I couldn't get into it and then one night finally hit a good part and finished the whole thing that night!).
2.  "Real Housewives of New Jersey": Despite many people's resistance, I have maintained an allegiance to Teresa all season.  Honestly, it's not so much that I like Teresa, but I just really don't like/don't trust Caroline; I think she's heading down a Jill Zarin path (if you're reality-obsessed like me than you know what I mean).  My stance there is getting even stronger, and I am happy to see (through comments on articles and pathetic is it that I actually read those?!?) that others agree with me.  But seriously, the whole "I don't want to get involved in the drama" gets really old when you're constantly the one starting it.
3.  My post-baby slim down progress: I've been sharing my monthly weight loss progress monthly with you all ever since I had Levi in January, and while I'm sure no one besides myself noticed that there has been a long stretch since my last post on this subject, I wanted to explain.  I took a little mini-vacation from weight loss in August.  With a week-long vacation in the mix, I figured it was best for my self-esteem to just not weigh myself for a few weeks following the trip.  I didn't necessarily go overboard, but certainly wasn't in diet mode either.  Lo and behold, when I finally did step on the scale a couple of weeks ago, I was actually down 1.5 pounds!  I'm hopefully back on track now, so I'll be back next month with my progress (fingers crossed!).
4.  My husband:  Josh is my best friend, a terrific partner, and excellent daddy.  Josh is not necessarily the most romantic guy in the world, though.  For five years (well, plus the three we were dating), I've been working on getting him to understand how special it is when he does something nice unexpectedly.  Well, today he showed up from work with some roses for me.  That's after bringing home an unexpected bottle of wine last week.  I think he may finally be getting it, ya'll!!!


  1. Awww, yay! Im glad that Josh is "getting" it....and glad to know that that can still happen 5 years in! :) Congrats on the weightloss--keep it up!!

  2. Thank goodness someone agrees with me on the whole Caroline/Teresa stuff! :)


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