
September 7, 2012

PSA: Grandparent's Day

So maybe this is common knowledge, but I didn't know until recently that there was actually a Grandparent's Day...did you all?  And the official Grandparent's Day is actually this Sunday, September 9th!
I had actually heard of this day a few years ago when my sister-in-law's father was bitching about having to go to his son's house for a dinner on the opening day of football.  But at the time, I thought it was just their day (and honestly I had to agree that the opening day of the NFL was definitely not the best day).  Once we had Colton, though, I googled the day...and it turns out it's real!  But each year, I seemed to miss it.  Not this year, though,...I remembered it was sometime in September and thought about it in August (woo hoo me!).
I am so excited I remembered the day because it is really important to me that this day become a regular in our holiday line-up.  The thing is even though we don't need special day to appreciate Nene and Papa, it certainly is nice to take the time to do so.  After all, they do so much for our boys (and us).  I have often said that there may be children that are as loved as my boys are, but I think it would be impossible to find children that are more loved...and a huge part of that is my parents.  They truly cherish these boys and would do absolutely anything for them.  On top of there unending love and support, there are also countless experiences my boys wouldn't have had without Nene and Papa: Colton's school, our trip to the Bahamas, countless basketball and football games, etc.  I grew up assuming that all parents are like mine, and sadly, I have realized that not everyone is so blessed...but I am...and now Josh is...and my boys most certainly are.
Because Grandparent's Day is again the opening day of the NFL (which is a pretty big deal for us!), we actually commemorated the day last night.  We decided to celebrate in a pretty low-key having Colton and Levi's Nene and Papa over for dinner and some really nice quality time (we don't usually get them to ourselves with other family members/friends often around).

And we got them (well mainly my mom) some flowers and a home-made card.
The thing is I could never do enough to repay my parents/Colton's grandparents for all they have done for us, all the love they give us, and the constant support they give.  BUT it was a really nice night, and I'm glad we took some time to show our appreciation.  

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