
September 24, 2012

Fall Getaway

For a few years, I have noticed pictures of people's families joyously picking apples posted on Facebook.  They all seemed to be doing so at a place called Carter Mountain Orchard.  I, of course, had to experience this place, and luckily I (somehow!) convinced Josh that we should do so this past weekend.  So, Saturday morning, which appropriately happened to be the first day of fall, the family and I loaded up the car and made the 2 1/2 hour trip west to Carter Mountain Orchard.
The trip was relatively uneventful, but the final 2 minutes were slightly intimidating as we steeply climbed up a gravel road with no railings or anything...a bit much for this girl who has lived her life at sea level!

After marveling at the view, we started to head in.  I was immediately in love with the whole place...the cute farm store, the wine tasting room, the orchards, the apple-themed decor, the crowds, everything!

Meanwhile, Colton was totally in love with the rocks...

Luckily, those rocks led us to the apples.  And when we got there, Colton was fascinated to find apples in the trees.  He quickly got the hang of picking them...and eating them.

Levi, on the other hand, was not particularly impressed.

Luckily, he seemed to perk up to take one of momarrazi's obligatory picture with the apple:

After experiencing the apple picking, we headed back up to the store to get some lunch including some pretty amazing apple cider doughnuts and an apple slushie for Colton (and yes, he's still nursing that same apple!).  There was also apple pie, caramel apples, apple cookies, and just about anything else apple you can think of available for purchase in case you're curious.

After eating and playing, I made the boys stop for one more picture (yes, this was the best we could do!)...
And then we got back in the car, doughnut in hand, to hit the road.
But instead of making the drive all the way back to the beach, we headed about 5 more minutes west into Charlottesville, the home of my alma mater (UVA).  I am a horrible alumnus and don't return to UVA nearly fact, this was my first time there in about 6 years, so needless to say, it was the boys' first time seeing the Lawn, Rotunda, and other UVA beauty.  Actually, it was Levi's first time; an exhausted Colton slept through the whole tour, but oh well...

We were staying on Charlottesville's Downtown Mall, an area that I didn't appreciate/utilize nearly enough when I was a student there, so we spent the evening walking, eating, and drinking down there.

yes, Colton was in a foul mood, so yes, we let him play iPad to keep him in good spirits...chalk it up to another mom thing I swore I'd never do
When the boys got cranky, we walked back to the room.  And because this picture cracks me up, I just have to share it with you
After battling Colton big time to actually go to bed, we managed to get a few hours of shut-eye and then woke up in the morning to head back home.  On the way out, we stopped for a Bodo's Bagel, a must as anyone associated with Charlottesville will tell you!

And then we were back home in time for some (pathetic) Steelers action!  Travelling with young kids is exhausting, and this trip definitely worked to drive that point home.  But it was also nice to get away for a bit with the family, do some things we wouldn't normally have a chance to do, and enjoy the time just being together.  And it couldn't have been a more appropriate way to welcome Fall!

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