
August 29, 2012

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Labor Day weekend is upon us, Colton is back in school, and we have our first football tailgate this weekend.  Yep folks, although the calendar says it won't be so for a few more weeks, summer is over.
I think because I have always been involved with education and therefore had my summers off, summer has always been my favorite season.  I associate it with being carefree and fun...and really want to make sure the boys grow up with those same memories.
 You may remember that at the beginning of the summer I came up with a list of 24 things I wanted to do with them this summer.  Well I am happy to report we knocked out 20.5 of them (the half is for our bike ride on the boardwalk...we visited the boardwalk, but couldn't really rent a bike because none were appropriate for Levi, so half a point!).
Since neither boy can really effectively communicate it, I'm going to assume they had fun.  And since I already shared the first half in pictures, I won't bother you a repeat (you can check them out here though if you want), but instead share some of our later summer fun.
There was backyard bubble fun...

And root beer float tasting (yep, even Levi was excited to get in on that action!)...

And some ice cream cone eating...

A trip to the zoo/train/fountains...

And aquarium...

Our trip to the boardwalk/park there....

And we even managed to make it to an outdoor concert (something that wasn't originally on the list, but certainly will be in future years!)).
And then, of course, there was our big trip to the Atlantis and all the fun that involved plus lots of beach trips, pool trips, and backyard pool/sprinkler fun!
It really was a pretty awesome summer.  But the best news is that as I have gotten older, I have grown to really appreciate the fall and holiday seasons as well for all the fun they offer, so although summer is over, the fun is only just beginning!

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