
June 27, 2012

Bring it On, Summer...

In case the 90+ degree temperatures weren't enough of an indication, summer has clearly arrived!  Personally, I love summer even if it does mean super-hot conditions. There is so much fun stuff to do in the summer.  Obviously, we hit up the beach and the pool quite frequently, but there's a whole lot more too.
Last year, I started the tradition of making a summer bucket list of sorts for Colton and I.  At that point, I just jotted down about 9 activities we could do, pulled one out each week, and we did it!  I enjoyed it so much that I continued the task each season for the year. Now that a year has gone by, though, I kind of wanted to amp up the whole bucket list thing this year and make a couple of changes.
This is what I came up with:

Basically, I came up with 24 summer-related activities (only 20 of them fit on the board, so luckily we had already accomplished 4 of them!).  Unlike last year in which the activities were more destinations, these are more experiences in that some of them will take about 2 minutes out of our day and others will take awhile.  Also, I intend to accomplish them more randomly this year.  Last year, we would pull one every Thursday, but this year, I figured we'd just take them off the magnetic board once it was accomplished and aim for an empty board by the time fall gets here (and it's time to fill it up once again with fall activities!).  **BTW, how cute are those magnets?  I spotted them at Target awhile back and they pretty much inspired the whole project!  Here's a close up of them:

As for the activities themselves, I chose to not include the things that we would do on a regular the beach, pool, park, etc.  Instead, the things written down were more unique and generally meant to do only once all summer (although some I'm sure we'll do more frequently).  In case you want to create a similar list of your own and need some ideas, here's what I came up with:
*Busch Gardens *Water Park *Fireworks *Rita's *Fly a kite on the beach
*Check out books from the library *Camp out in the backyard
*Putt Putt *Tides Game *Go on a boat ride *Eat an ice cream cone
*Go to a movie *Car Wash *Ride bikes on the boardwalk *Tie-dye shirts
*Giant bubbles *Botanical Gardens splash park *Zoo *Aquarium
*Pudding Paint *Sidewalk Chalk *Root Beer Floats *Atlantis
Some of them may be overly ambitious (like camping out in the backyard!), but I'm excited to get started and have some fun with my boys this summer...although obviously Colton will probably enjoy them a bit more than Levi!
Anybody else have some good ideas of things we could add?


  1. I love doing a neighborhood scavenger hunt - a leaf, the tiniest rock you can find, a bug of some sort (lady bug, rolly polly), spot things like 10 mailboxes, 1 blue car, 3 bicycles, etc.

  2. Looks fun!! Hopefully we can join you for some of these things!!


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