
April 26, 2012

Potty Party for One?!?

I mentioned last week that I am starting my own party planning business, so a lot of my free time recently has been taken up with doing some research...looking at other similar businesses and parties and such.  In my search, I came across a Potty Training Party and was instantly intrigued.
At just barely 2, we have not done much to even attempt potty training.  We did buy a potty, set it up in the bathroom in hopes that Colton would maybe naturally be drawn to it.  He went in it once, we made a big deal about it, and he's had no interest in it since!  Honestly, our pediatrician told us not to bother, assuming that Levi's arrival would derail any efforts anyway.  So, we haven't...but I have decided that we are going to give it a legit attempt this summer.
So, like I said, Potty Training Party had me hooked.  I, of course, looked into it further and realized this party concept is actually based on this book:
I haven't read the book yet (although I did download it), but the concept is that you make one day a very special potty training day.  You throw your child an all day party with special foods, decorations, etc. Over the course of the day, they learn how to potty train a doll, teach it to use the potty, and then go themselves...all with lots of rewards and praise and fun.  The theory is that if they are having fun doing it they will want to.
This whole thing appeals to me on so many levels:

  1. It's all based on throwing a party...something I love yes please!
  2. It only takes one day....hmmm, I have heard horror stories about potty training...could just one day actually be possible?  Plus, if it doesn't work we've only wasted one day
  3. I actually believe the theory behind it.  To this point, Colton seems to have no motivation to use the potty mainly because I don't really think there's anything in it for him.  He doesn't seem to mind being wet (and from what I've been told diapers are so absorbent these days that many kids do not), so really what would his incentive be?  This may just give him one.
But the logical part of me says that is just crazy and another pathetic attempt on my part to justify yet another party (although at this one, it would most likely just be me and Colton).  So, dear readers...what do you all think?  Does this sound legit?  Or ridiculous?  I should also mention that the reviews online of the book all seem to be very positive, claiming it worked when nothing else would...hmmm?


  1. If you do this, PLEASE blog about it, your experience and results. I'm so fretting the dreaded potty training days.

  2. I worried too much about potty training. when they're ready they'll start staying clean. instead of rewarding them so much for going, celebrate that they remained clean. just finished PT my second baby. it's not stressful, unless you make it that way. I trained baby1 before her 2nd bday and baby2 at 2.5 years. I bought a huge pack of pull ups for baby1 and still have them in storage, completely sealed. use regular underwear from the get-go, so they feel the mess. you're right, diapers really absorb! overnight I put the diaper on and slipped real underwear on over that at first. when they started staying dry through the night I would put underwear on and a diaper over that just for easier clean-up. baby 1 was dry through the night before even PT and baby 2 was dry through the night a couple days into it.

    ok....this got long! ha!ha!

    good luck! :)

    Good luck!


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