
April 3, 2012

Dog-Gone Good Party: The Food

Yesterday I shared with you all the decor details of Colton's big 2nd birthday bash.  As promised, I am back today to dish on the food (yep, pun intended)!  Food is usually my favorite element of any party, but when planning a kid's birthday, it is even more fun because you can get all themey without it being overly corny (who am I kidding...I pretty much do it for any party, but oh well).
So, with Colton's party being a dog-themed affair, I had to run with it.  The party was at 4PM, so I figured we didn't really need to serve a meal, but instead just some snacks.  Per usual, I tended to lean towards sweet items and things that were totally unhealthy...I mean, it's a party, right?!?  I am proud to report that for once I seemed to gage correctly, as we actually had very few leftovers!
And it all looked so pretty (if I don't say so myself):

In case you can't gather it from the above pictures, the menu for the big affair included:
Puppy Chow
Pupcorn (just basic Smartfood)
Water Bowls (blue Jello)
Pillow stuffing (cotton candy)
Fetch sticks (pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate)
Birthday Bark
Aside from the tastiness of the menu, the most exciting part was how easy it was.  As you can tell, there wasn't much cooking involved, and three recipes that I did make were also pretty simple to make.  I got all of them from Pinterest (surprise, surprise), and they were all delicious, especially the Pepperoni Rolls...seriously, come up with a reason to make those!
Oh, and while we're talking food, I absolutely have to share with you Colton's birthday cake:
I can't take credit for the brilliant idea (yep, it too was found through Pinterest), but it was so freaking easy to replicate...I just baked a cake, plopped it in a (***new, clean***) dog bowl, frosted it with chocolate icing, and topped it off with Cocoa Puffs.  
Have I made you hungry yet?  Or maybe sick of hearing dog party details?  Hopefully not because I have one more post (I promise!) tomorrow with all of the details on the fun from the party.  

1 comment:

  1. It looks super yummy and really cute! I bet he had a ball :)


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