
March 20, 2012

Spring To Do

When I became a stay-at-home mom last summer, I realized how easy it was to get caught up in the daily errands, chores, and activities.  I wanted to make sure I took some time to really take advantage of the fact that I was able to be home with my boys and give them experiences that would be rich and meaningful.
I'm a sucker for a good list, so I started making a to-do list each season of the things I wanted to make sure they boys (and I) got to do.  With other things I tend to enjoy making my list more than I actually enjoy accomplishing it, but not with this one!  I have had a blast taking Colton on our outings, doing crafts with him, and experiencing the world and his first through his eyes.  And now we'll have Levi along for the ride (although admittedly he won't be a very active participant just yet!).
With each list I try to come up with unique experiences for us...things that we will probably only do once for the season, not something like "go to the park" which we will probably do at least a couple times a week!  I also stick to things that are age-appropriate obviously, but also so that our list can change a little from year to year.  So with all that being said, here is our newest list:
I'm fairly confident that we'll be able to cross off everything!  Anyone have any other recommendations of things a mom and her tot MUST do in the spring?

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