
March 15, 2012

Sleep is Overrated

Colton began sleeping through the night at two months old.  Looking back on it, I realize that was a relatively quick accomplishment for an infant, but at the time, it felt excruciatingly long.  I remember even debating putting some rice cereal in his bottle in the last couple of weeks before he actually slept...we never did it, but it sure was tempting.  We were so desperate for him just to sleep!
Well, Levi is 2 1/2 months old now, and is not sleeping through the night.  Honestly, he appears nowhere near the milestone!  On the rare occasion, he has given us about 5 hour bursts, but in general, he is still up every three hours like clockwork.
But oddly enough, it really doesn't bother me this time.  Sure, I wouldn't mind a few extra hours of shut eye and I definitely do groan a bit when Levi's cries awake us, but I don't feel the desperation that I did with Colton.  In typical me fashion, I have given much thought as to why that is.  One theory is that maybe with Levi we are just on a better schedule, so it is easier in some way.  Another theory I came up with was that I know that this stage is so short lived in the big scheme of things, while with Colton it felt like it was never going to end.  And my final theory was that I feel really compelled to enjoy the infant joys this time around, like the fact that Levi will still actually lay on my chest while I rock him back to sleep.
so cute while he's sleeping...

I'm sure the answer is a combination of the three.  Whatever the reason, though, I'm sure as the days go by, we'll continue our nightly routine around here: put Levi down fingers crossed he will sleep longer than three hours, begrudgingly get out of bed when he inevitably makes it just his standard three, feed him, and then stay in the room way longer than necessary just relishing the fact that I am holding/feeling/smelling my sweet baby asleep in my arms.


  1. He really is sweet. (What does his shirt say, btw? Something about a daughter?)

    Tay didn't start sleeping through the night until 4-ish months and it's still not a guarantee each night. Sigh...

    1. It says "hide your daughters"...I'm a sucker for Target's onesies:)


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