February 24, 2012

940 Saturdays

 In the March 2012 issue of Partents magazine, Dr. Harley Rotbart wrote an article entitled "Savor the Moments."  Admittedly, I didn't read the article but a Facebook friend of mine posted this quote from it that really caught my attention.  "There are only 940 Saturdays between a child's birth and her leaving for college."

940?!?  Is it just me or does that seem like a crazy small number.  That means that Colton, who is almost 2 (as he will proudly tell you!), has already lived approximately 100 of his (luckily, Levi is only 7 into his!).  100...which to me seems scarily close to 940...my goodness, I really hope we've used them well.

When I first read the quote,  I started thinking of the kinds of things I would want our family to do on these 940 Saturdays.  My ideas ran everywhere from go to Disney World to lay in bed all day watching movies and everywhere in between.  And then it dawned on me that while a list would be fun (at least to me), the real point was to make sure that we, as a family, take advantage of each and every Saturday (plus all other days obviously) that we are lucky enough to spend together.

Looking back on Colton's first 100 or so I am proud to say that I do think we took advantage.  There have been trips to the park, a Saturday spent visiting my grandfather in Florida, a pumpkin patch visit, football games, basketball games, family lunches, a visit to DC, walks with Chipper, snuggle time, and tons of other fun, family activities.

our trip to the park on Levi's first Saturday with us...

It is so cliche, but time really does fly by and I have already witnessed first hand just how quickly my sweet babies are growing up.  So, as we approach another Saturday, I am especially mindful of how my little family will fill it.  One thing is for sure I know I will cherish each moment.

Happy weekend all!


  1. How scary...only 940! On another note...how fun would it be to take our kids to Disney together one day!

  2. Um..YES!!!! Can we start planning now???


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