
January 12, 2012

What I Do Best

While my family is the gift-giving type, Josh's is more of the money/gift card-giving variety.  I don't necessarily believe one school of thought is better than the other, but the advantage to me is that after Christmas I usually end up with some loot to spend (and usually a pretty significant amount at that!!!).  Each year, I take my after-Christmas purchases very seriously, as in I am careful to buy things that I really have wanted and am going to necessities or anything else boring.
This year, I think I did particularly well, so I figured I'd share with you my purchases...

1.  Chevron Rug from Urban Outfitters: I had spotted this beauty, and it's even prettier price tag, a few months ago in blue and really wanted it, but didn't really have a place for it in our abode.  Truthfully, I wanted to completely redo our dining room to revolve around the blue version of the rug, but that just didn't seem very responsible/realistic.  So, when I spotted an orange version of the same rug, (and still at only $74!), I knew I just had to have it.  It arrived, and is in place, and the look is exactly what I was after!  In the interest of full disclosure, I should probably mention that the rug is definitely uber-thin (I mean, there's a reason it was so cheap, right?), but I've placed some non-slip rug tape around the edges (after this picture was taken if you notice the bubbles below) and this baby is snugly in place and looking pretty:)

2.  Continuing on with my slight ridiculous chevron-obsession, I found these new dish towels at Target.  I know I said my money was supposed to be reserved for "fun" purchases, but these guys were only $2.99 each and seeing their happy pattern in my kitchen definitely is fun to me (I'm getting so old, huh?!?)
3.  And finally, my new purse, purchased from a local boutique (bevello if you're in/near the area).  I had wanted a new purse for a long time, but couldn't quite decide what I was after (big/small, color choice, etc), but when I spotted this one, it was love at first sight.  The after-Christmas sales price made it a total steal, and now I am proudly sporting a new bag (well, two actually, if you count my new diaper bag that was a gift from my mom for Levi's arrival!)
Yay for scoring myself some fun treasures.  Josh is always amazed at how well I manage to stretch my Christmas money.  Actually, I don't think he believes me that I have actually stayed within its limits, but I promise I have.  In fact, I still have a little bit left over that I have to decide how to spend!  

How about you all?  Do you score some post-holiday deals as well?  Or is your family/friends the gift-giving type like mine?

1 comment:

  1. The rug is really pretty and I LOVE that bag!!! :) Hope things are going well with you and baby!


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