
January 24, 2012

Our Newest Addition

I bet you thought this was going to be another post about sweet Levi, huh?!?  Well, hold on to your hats ladies (and gents if you're out there too) because we actually have a newer addition to our family than baby Levi.  Yep, meet Blue:

As you can tell, Blue is Colton's appropriately named fish.  The name was chosen because the fish is...well, blue...and because Colton can actually say blue.  I know we're really creative around here.
Some of you are probably questioning our sanity in acquiring a new family member in the midst of an already chaotic time, so let me explain.  The primary motivation was to get Colton his own special friend that could sleep in his room with him.  Colton has been living in his big boy room and sleeping in his big boy bed for a couple months now and had never had an issue with fact, he really seemed to LOVE the room and bed.  But once Levi arrived home, that all changed.  Colton literally screamed for hours at a time, kept climbing out of the bed, and even spent one pathetic nap time sleeping on the floor in front of the gate that we had to place in his doorway.  Needless to say, it was breaking my heart, and I wanted to find a way to make him love his room again.
A fish seemed to be the perfect solution.  For one, it could live in Colton's room with him.  And more importantly, let's be honest...a fish is about as low-maintenance "pet" as you can get!
So, last week, we headed out to the pet store to pick out Colton's new friend.  He was instantly pretty fascinated with them and quickly selected his new blue friend.  We took him home, set up his tank, and Colton immediately seemed to fall in love with "Blue."  He proudly shows him off to everyone that enters our house, and even more importantly, his sleep issues (fingers crossed) seemed to have stopped (although admittedly it probably wasn't all Blue's credit).
Either way, we are happy to have Blue with us.  Now let's just hope we can take good care of him?!?

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Love the name-- fits him oh so well ;) It's nice to meet ya Blue! Have a great day!


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