
January 2, 2012

12 in 2012

Last year, I publicly proclaimed my resolutions on this little blog here.  Sadly, as I look back on them, I was not very successful in accomplishing them!  Still bite my nails, gave up on Wireless Wednesdays in about January(!), and am pathetic about getting back to people in a timely manner, although I did manage to find "me time" (but truthfully that is more a credit to Colton's school hours than anything I did!).  Basically, New Year's Resolutions were an epic fail! 
Luckily,  I also made another list at the start of 2011 that I am proud to report had much better results: my 11 in 2011.  Besides a couple of items that had to be modified due to our unexpected pregnancy (and the taming of a certain cockapoo that we have had to admit just may never happen), I kicked arse on that list!
was this picture all over your Facebook walls too?

So naturally being one to avoid failure at all costs and thoroughly embrace my successes, I figured for 2012 I'm going to just go ahead and skip the whole resolutions things (who needs those anyway?!?).   Instead, I once again thought of the things I want to accomplish...12 this time for 2012 (clever, I know!):
1.  Lose baby weight...I'm giving myself the year, but really hope to be back in pretty decent shape by the summer!
2.  Continue the vacation thing: one getaway for just Josh and I (as hard as it is to leave the boys) and one as a family.  Truthfully, the family one is already in the works (we're headed to the Atlantis in the Bahamas in August for my parent's 35th anniversary...YAY!), but we will need to work on the other.
3.  Decorate porch...rug, accessories, hammock, tv, so we use it more this spring/summer/fall (when I can enjoy lovely glasses of wine out there...oh how I've missed you, wine!!!)
4.  Redo guest bathroom, one of the only spaces in our abode (along with our bathroom!) that has thus far been spared from my hands!
5.  Learn to sew....time to add some more to my DIY repetoire.
6.  Initiate monthly, planned date night with more waiting for people to volunteer.  We're going to pick at least one Saturday night a month to get out and be us!  I've actually already jump started this plan.  In Josh's stocking I put monthly date night cards and have already enlisted the help of my family members to serve as babysitters for the first few months...YAY!!!
7.  Get Colton in swim lessons.  I had this on last year's list, but the lessons for his age at that time were just meant to get them comfortable in the water, something my tot has NO issues with!  With as much as he is around the water, though, I am hoping we can find some this year that will actually teach him some sort of basic survival skills!
8.  Actually pursue dream bashes, my party planning "business."  I put up a website a few months ago, but with baby's arrival imminent, I didn't really do much more.  While my hopes for this adventure are modest at best, I would like to give it an honest shot before throwing in the towel on it!
9.  Budget, budget, budget...come up with a budget and actually stick to it!  Josh and I both have a horrible tendency to just spend and deal, but it's time to start making smart decisions!
10.  Start a girls' monthly wine night (or something similar).  With a house full of boys, mama needs to get her girl time in.  Especially with my sister now living in the area, I want to make sure I take time to enjoy that relationship (and others).
11.  Get dressed daily.  OK, this sounds ridiculous, but once I became a stay-at-home mom and especially once my waist line started expanding with my pregnancy, I gave up on clothes.  Routine has been: go to the gym, wear gym clothes to run errands, etc, shower during Colton's nap around 3ish, put on sweats and t-shirt unless we were going out to dinner (which is only about 2-3 times a week).  This year, I will actually be dressed when Josh gets home from work daily!!!
12.  Still give Colton the quality time he deserves.  This is vague because I really don't know what it is going to entail, but I have loved taking my little boy on his "field trips" and other outings.  As we welcome his brother to our brood, I don't want Colton to get shafted, so somehow, someway, we will continue to get out of the house and head to parks, the zoo, museums, etc.

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