
December 21, 2011

Miracle Cleaning Solution

I don't usually share cleaning tips on this little blog, and there's a pretty good reason for that...of all things domestic, I most definitely SUCK at cleaning.  I hate it, usually don't bother with it (until there is so much dust piling up that even I can't stand it), and have no interest in bettering myself at it.  But this little tip was just too good not to share, so here we go.
Last year, we replaced our old brownish carpet with a much lighter, brighter white version.  I love the new color, but can admit that with a toddler, dog, and new baby on the way it was certainly a risky choice.  And it was certainly MY choice (Josh wanted to stick with something much darker), so I feel a bit of pressure to keep it sparkly clean...which it surprisingly has!
For the most part anyways.  Over the past few months, we have started to notice these ugly black spots appearing on the carpet, mainly right in the entrance to the living room from the kitchen.  Honestly, I couldn't even figure out what they were for awhile, but after a Google search, I realized they must be spots dripping from Colton's sippy cup that then attract dirt, etc.

So with that knowledge,  I tried several different carpet cleaners but nothing was really helping to get rid of these nasties.
Enter the grace of Pinterest again!  One of my friends on there pinned a picture of a carpet that looked remarkably similar to our own black-spotted floor (turns out that one had some sort of oil-based spill on it).  After reading the details on the DIY cleaning solution, I decided there was no risk in giving it a whirl (especially considering I had all the ingredients on hand).  So, I did and guess what?!?  Well, based on the title of this here post and the fact that I bothered to write about it, I'm sure you have rightly assumed it actually worked!!!
YAY!!! The only issue now will not be somehow attempting to keep the carpet looking like that...while we generally restrict Colton's food to the table,  we are a little more open with his sippy cup, as in it goes anywhere and everywhere!  I'm thinking the more likely result will be that I need to whip up my handmade cleaner whenever the spots become too much to bear!

In case you're in the same boat, here's the super simple solution and directions for you too:
1.  Remove any excess liquid from spill
2.  Sprinkle baking soda over spots and allow to sit for about 10 minutes.  Vacuum up extra baking soda.
3.  Meanwhile, combine 1 cup warm water, 1 tbsp. liquid dish soap, and 1 tbsp. white vinegar.  Using a microfiber towel, blot mixture into stains.  Dry spots off!


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