
December 13, 2011

DIY Coasters

My parents are impossible to get presents for.  They fall into that category where they basically get for themselves anything they want/need, thus leaving us with nothing to get them!  In fairness, my mom is usually better than my least she will make a list around this time of year and purposely hold off on purchasing those few items until the holidays (and her birthday...December 29th) have passed.
On said list this year was coasters among other things.  The coasters immediately jumped out at me, though, because I knew I could create some for them somehow, someway that would be unique.  A simple search on Pinterest turned up a very easy (and crazy affordable!) option.  Wanting to make sure that these coasters were a worthy present for my lovely mother, I gave the project a test run this weekend, figuring I could keep the coasters for myself if they turned out...well, they turned out!!!  I love them!  See?

To make the coasters, you will need:

  • 4 x 4 ceramic tiles (found at Home Depot or other hardware stores...I paid 16 cents each for my tiles!!!)
  • scrapbook paper 
  • self-sticking felt pages
  • mod podge
  • foam brush
Optional: white spray paint, clear spray paint

Yep, that's it!
The first step is optional in my in I didn't do it!  But for a more finished look, it is probably a good idea to give your tiles a coat or two of white spray paint.  When you buy the tiles, the sides will be unfinished, in a barely can tell way, but still unfinished.  The spray paint would fix that, or if you're lazy/anxious like me, just go with the slightly unfinished (I like to think of it as rustic) look.  
Next, trace the 4 x 4 tile shape on to the scrapbook paper and then cut it out.  I actually traced mine and then cut in about a quarter inch on all sides because I wanted the white trim.  Use a foam brush to apply mod podge to the scrapbook paper, attach it to the top of the tile, and then apply another thin layer of mod podge on top.  It will look something like this:
Once the mod podge has dried, flip the coasters over and apply a square of self-sticking felt to the back:
The tutorial I read finished off the coasters by applying a coat of clear spray paint to the front. It said that this alleviated the stickiness of the mod podge, but mine weren't sticky/I didn't have clear spray paint, so I just left them as is.  I'll let you know if I change my mind!
I know I say it frequently, but easy was that?!!  I can't wait to head to the scrapbook store and find a really cool paper to make my mom's with! 


  1. What a fabulous way to make personalized coasters that can not only match a persons tastes, but their decor as well. Thanks for sharing.

  2. They look great. What a wonderful personal gift idea this would make. Thanks for sharing I will follow on my way out and hope you can find the time to drop over to my place and do the same. Merry Christmas and I look forward to supporting your beautiful blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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