
November 14, 2011

got baby? Milk Theme Shower

This weekend I jetted off to sunny Fort Lauderdale for a jam-packed weekend hosting my cousin's baby shower(she is due just 10 days after me, a fact I almost wrote on my forehead at the party to avoid having to say it yet again!). I was excited to take on a new party planning adventure, but a little worried because the long-distance thing certainly presented some obstacles.
the parents-to-be (post shower!)

 For one, our flight didn't arrive in Florida until 2ish on the Friday before a shower scheduled for 2pm the next day...not much time to create much in either the decor or food department, both of which I really love doing. From the decor angle, I planned a bit ahead (ok a lot ahead...I've been working on this thing for a few months now) and created some key elements from home in Va. Beach and shipped them down to Florida about a week in advance! I mention this only to let you in on my number 1 party planning tip: be like Santa...make your list and check it twice.  Luckily when I arrived in Florida, it was a very painless process to pick up the few things we still needed, while everything else was there and ready!  From the food angle, it just meant we had to be extra careful with the menu plan and go with a lot more store-bought items than I usually would have.
But enough about me and my technicalities, you want some fun shower details right?  From the outset of planning this shower, we decided to go with a milk/bottle theme.  I was really drawn to the idea because I figured it was fun, unique, and seriously what could scream "baby" more?  My cousin is expecting a little girl, so we combined our party theme with a black, white, and raspberry pink color scheme.
The first DIY element for the shower was the invitation I designed in Photoshop.  I think it set the tone perfectly for the whole day, so I'll share it with you now:

Now on the actual shower.  For the tables, we covered them in pink and then topped that with a simple cow-print runner (my cousin's mother-in-law graciously sewed all of these for us and has totally inspired me to get a sewing machine once and for all!).  Each table was completed with a trio of vases filled with pink roses.  The vases were actually emptied and cleaned out Starbucks Frappucinno bottles that I had spray-painted white.

We used the same flower arrangements over in the gift-opening area (the party room at my aunt's condo where the shower was held was such an awesome, spacious party locale!).  This time, though, they were perched on top of a milk crate that was surrounded by some cute black, white, and pink baby clothing I had found.  I also used the onesies, tunics, etc to create a clothesline on the wall behind the gift opening (after I got completely jealous of how cute the girls clothing is!).
The bar area received the final flower arrangements along with some framed baby pictures of my cousin and her husband, but I forgot to get a picture of that!  
I did remember to take a few shots of the food table.  It was covered in the same pink and cow-print runner, and obviously the food took over much of the space here.  We put the cake on a milk crate to serve as the centerpiece of the table.  Each rear corner was decorated with another milk crate topped with a baby picture of one of the expectant parents.  Leaning against the crate was an E or A (my cousin's name is Erin, while her daughter is going to be named Alivia) that I had striped off with painter's tape to create black and white letters.  Attached to the letters was a simple arrangement of pink balloons.

Along the front of the table was a got baby? banner I had created.  I carried over the play on got milk? that I had originally used on the clever, huh?!? (sarcasm in case it doesn't convey)
Speaking of food, the menu probably presented me with my greatest challenges.  Honestly, I wanted to do the milk theme with a brunch shower menu because I thought it would be most appropriate.  But again, due to travel restrictions, a morning shower was just not realistic.  So instead, we decided to go with foods that typically complement milk: cereal bars (Rice Krispie treats...that I did make and dipped in pink for extra fun), brownie pops (brownie bites that I put a lollipop stick in!), mini grilled cheese sandwiches, mini peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and of course cookies...chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin to be exact.  We called these the milk chasers.  Fearing that wouldn't be enough food for some people, we also put out a veggie tray, fruit tray, and a couple bowls of white cheddar popcorn.  

My favorite part of the food table, though, was the strawberry, chocolate, and white milk shots we put out.  I was pretty sure they would barely be tasted (although more were than I thought), but I just couldn't resist the fun of a milk the colors went so well with our color scheme:)
Games and activities are usually a big part of showers, but I'm just not a big game kind of girl.  I had seen a pretty sweet, simple activity a few months ago on my blog buddy Shannon's site a few months back and completely stole it.  Once again, I created the cards myself, this time using Word.  
We passed out the cards as everyone winded down their eating.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy filling the cards out, and when they were done, I bound them together (including a blank one for each of the parents-to-be to fill out) with ribbon as a present for the mommy-to-be.
And for the final shower detail (kudos if you've made it this far!)... for favors, we went with milk sip-ups and a couple pink sprinkle sugar cookies.

Whew...I think that's about it!  As usual, I had such a blast planning all the elements of the shower and then watching them all come to life.  Now, on to the next party...


  1. Most amazing baby shower...ever :) Thank you again! You absolutly out did yourself!

  2. I just love the theme - so creative and unique!!! And I'm glad you liked the "wishes for baby" cards; it was probably my favorite aspect of my shower!


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