
October 21, 2011

Channeling my Old McDonald

We woke up yesterday morning to about a 20 degree temperature drop in Va. Beach.  And I, for one, was very excited.  After weeks of summer clinging on, this girl is ready for fall to come and hang for awhile.  Only time will tell if this was our formal introduction to the season, but either way, Colton and I took full advantage of the weather and hit up Hunt Club Farm.
Hunt Club is your quintessential fall experience...pumpkin patch, hayride, petting zoo, etc.  Let me just say this was one of those days I was super grateful to my husband that I am a stay-at-home mom.  Admittedly, some days I feel guilty, or lazy, or selfish about my new role in life.  But having the privilege of taking my tot for a day of fall fun and giving him experiences that we will both cherish just makes my heart burst.
Colton's Meme (my mom) joined us for the day.  As usual, Colton took a bit of time to warm up to the place (he seems to have inherited my cautious personality), but once he did, he loved the place.  His definite highlight was feeding the animals...I guess all that practice of taking Chipper's food really paid off for him!  But, instead of attempting to tell you about our day, how about we just enjoy a bit of a photo extravaganza, shall we?  Oh, and sorry for the still shoddy quality of my photos...Best Buy promises my beloved camera is en route back to Va. Beach (we'll see!)

We capped off the day with some soup at Panera (well, for me...Colton enjoyed grilled cheese!) and a nice long more perfect of a fall day could you ask for?!?  Here's to hoping we can continue the fun this weekend.  Anybody have any fun fallish plans this weekend?  Or just regular fun plans?  Do share!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! Stopping by from the blog hop (although late) and following you thru GFC. I would love a follow back when you get the chance. Thanks so much for your help and have a great week!



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