
October 13, 2011

Lots O Loot

I am happy to report that my first trip to IKEA was a complete mental breakdowns or anxiety attacks in the massive space, just lots of bargain scoring, browsing, and girly chat time with my buddy who accompanied me (something this mommy doesn't get much of, at least not uninterrupted, so it was definitely a treat).  As planned, I picked up two Expedit shelves (one for each of the boys' rooms) and about 36 of the white frames I had talked about here.
But, in my humble experience, the real glory of IKEA was found in the Marketplace where the smaller items are housed.  After years of reading of DIY projects involving these little treasures, I was in heaven and had to pick some up for myself.  Like a couple of these simple $5 white runners....did you know you can't find a single plain white runner, much less for $5, in all of Va. Beach???  I'm not positive yet what I want to do with these, probably spiff one up for everyday and one for the upcoming holidays, but I had to bring them home with me.

Same as this $10 plain ole door mat.  Again, nowhere in Va. Beach can you find a plain doormat, so I had to bring this one home to spiffy up one day (although that project may wait awhile).

I also picked up this adorable $2 (!!!!) pot to use on our kitchen counter.  I have been hoping to add a little plant life there, and this pot was just the right house for our future green friend (whoever it may be!).

And finally, I fell in love with this surprisingly soft and totally fun bath mat to replace our old, nasty one in our bathroom.  Here's a close-up version of the mat...
And a little shot of it residing in its new home
So after about 5 total hours in the car and less than $200 spent, I have tons of new goodies to play with...I would say the trip was definitely worth it!  

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