
September 9, 2011

Where Were You?

I am sure you are all aware that this Sunday marks the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks.  10 years?!?  In some ways, the day that will arguable go down as the most significant historical event of my lifetime seems like yesterday.
I remember the details of that day so vividly.  I was just beginning my third year at UVA.  It must have been a Tuesday or Thursday because I had a 9:30 class (the earliest class I ever took in my four years!).  I woke up a little early that day, and in a move that was atypical for me at the time, decided to get on the computer (probably to IM or something) with a little tv on for some background noise. Naturally, I chose the Today Show (Katie Couric, a UVA alum was anchoring).  So there I sat watching live as the first plane hit, and then the other, and finally as the rest of the day's details started to come through.  Classes were quickly cancelled, and I spent the day with my roommates and boyfriend completely glued to the tv, unable to tear myself away from the horror.
I also remember so clearly my feelings that day and in the ones that followed.  Even though I did not know anyone directly who lost a loved one, there were friends of friends who did, or friends from New York whose families were very much effected, or even my boyfriend's mom who was scheduled to fly home that day and ended up having to rent a car instead (obviously a small sacrifice).  There was also talk of Virginia Beach being an eventual target due to the heavy military installation, and while I was three hours away, my family was there, so naturally there was a bit of hysteria about that .  I remember the fear...of what our new reality may be, and what would happen next.  I remember the incredible sense of patriotism and unity that arose. I remember having a new appreciation for things and people, realizing just how quickly it could all be taken away.  I remember calling my family frequently just to feel connected to them.
This song came out shortly after the attacks.  I loved it then and it still resonates so deeply for me:

So incredibly moving!  And as I watch all of the tributes and memorials that have been on, it is amazing to me how fresh that pain still is, yet how far we have come.  Personally, so much has happened to me in the 10 years since 9-11.  I have graduated college, tried out one career, switched to teaching, and found my way.  I broke up with college boyfriend, met Josh, fell in love, got married, and started our family.  It makes me wonder what those poor people who passed away that day missed out on.  Really, it makes my heart break for them and their families.
Last week, I received a forwarded email from a friend urging all Americans to proudly display their American flags on the anniversary of September 11th as a show of unity, patriotism, and respect for those who lost their lives, their families, and those still fighting to keep us safe.  I don't usually even read those emails, but this one caught me and I went out this week to purchase my pole and flag (we already had a bracket on the house from the previous owners).  And here's what our entrance looks like now:

If you don't have a flag, you still have a few days to go get one...any size will do, and display it proudly.  And feel free to share your stories of where you were that fateful day...I would love to hear them.


  1. That song gets me every time too. It is so hard to believe it has really been 10 years but like you said, when I hear that song or see the tributes, the tears flow and the fear and heartache from that day comes back just like it was yesterday. I was a new mom on that fateful day and we lived in Seattle. My son was 2 years old and our new baby girl was not even 4 months old. I had been up most of the night with her and was finally falling asleep again when my husband came running to get me as it was just barely 6am our time. I could not process what he was telling me as he was somewhat frantic trying to get his words out. He kept pointing to the TV and after a few minutes it registered what was happening and then I fell to my knees as I watched the second plane his the Towers. I was so stunned and so terrified in that moment and I am not even sure how long I stayed there. I begged my husband not to go out to work that day but he did and I stayed home with my babies all day. I don't even think we ever got out of our pajamas and I just kept them close by me all day long, holding them and hugging them. I wrote them both letters that night telling them about what all had happened that day, how I was feeling, etc and tucked the letters away for them to read when they are older. I remember I threw in a video tape and I believe we have at least 2 video tapes of all the news broadcasts and such from that day. The Hisory Channel is broadcasting a lot of things this Sunday and I have set up our DVR to record it all. My kids are now 10 and 12 years old and we are trying to decide if we might let them see some of it. It is something they hear about every year and see me cry when we talk about it but they have seen very few videos or images from that day. It is still hard to comprehend it all even all these years later.

  2. And can I just add that I truly wish more Americans would proudly fly the American Flag EVERY day instead of just a few times a year. In our area shortly after 9-11 it was just awe inspiring to see almost every house with their flag displayed up and down the streets...wish our country to get back to that feeling of unity.


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