
September 29, 2011

L'Shana Tovah

That's Happy New Year for all you non-Jews out there!  Yep, today is the official start to the new year in the Jewish calendar (5752 to be exact), and while New Year's celebrations usually bring to mind revelry, drunkeness, and parties, the Jews go in the exact opposite direction.  The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashannah, is one of the holiest days of the year...picture sitting in temple for an insanely long time (at least for me), contemplating your sins from the last year (yikes!), and hoping to get inscribed in the Book of Life for the coming year (how intimidating is that?!?).
So, this morning I saw this video on YouTube that attempts to bring some much-needed pizzazz to the day.  I love me a good Jewish parody/reference, so I had to share it.  Even if you're now Jewish, I promise this is enjoy:)

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