
September 26, 2011

18 MONTHS?!?

Yep, as of today, my sweet baby boy has officially been alive for 18 months...that's a whole year and half for you math whizzes out there.  I know it is terribly cliche to say, but I honestly can not believe how quickly that time has gone by.  I love the boy my baby has become.  He is sweet, but feisty and sly when he wants to be.  He is shy in new situations, but quite the ham when he is comfortable.  He is ALL BOY, playing full speed ahead in all his awake moments.  He loves his daddy, but has a special fondness for his mommy that makes my heart burst.  I feel so blessed to have watched him grown and learn.
A few months ago, I was perusing Pinterest (I wonder how many of my posts mention Pinterest these days!) and saw a really cute idea of using an annual picture of your child and listing on it (via Photoshop) some of their current loves.  I liked the idea so much that I couldn't even wait to hit the magical 2 year mark.  Plus, I reason, Colton has already changed so much in the 6 months since his first birthday, I am sure his loves will be completely different in another 6 months.
So, here's our first in what will hopefully be quite the series of annual Colton pics:

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm stopping by from Mingle Monday :)

    Your son is adorable! I saw the same idea on Pinterest, and I think it's genius. I'm sure when he's older, Colton will love having this record of his life to look back on.


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