
August 31, 2011

School Days

Last week as we were busy prepping ourselves for Irene (read: waiting in line for 15 minutes for gas and stocking up on chocolate peanut butter supplies), we were also busy getting ready for another big event in our house: Colton's first day of school!  Colton went to daycare last year while I was working, but this year, he will be attending a Beginnings program.  It's only two days a week, and only for 3 hours a day, but it's actual school...well, as much school as 17 month olds can handle.  There's crafts, daily lessons written on the board, lunch, recess...AAAHH!  I don't know if it's the former teacher in me or the totally corny mom, but I am totally overwhelmed by this and have been anxiously awaiting Colton's first day of school ever since we signed him up.
So last week, while others were busy boarding up their windows and buying batteries, Colton and I were busy attending to our own important business.  We headed to Target to stock up on his "supplies" (wipes, diapers, a smock, lunchbox, etc).  We went out to Stride Rite to get him some new shoes.  I ordered the most adorable bookbag from Etsy (which thankfully got here before Irene did!):

And then it was time...time for Colton's first day of school.  My little boy was so cute sporting his big boy bookbag:

And then I dropped him off in the room, and to say he was excited is probably an understatement!

Like I don't think he even realized I was gone.  Nor did he really seem too excited to see me when I came back to pick him up at the end of the day!  At least he was having a good time.  And truthfully, I had a pretty good time myself...this was the first 3 hours of true alone time I can remember having in quite some time, maybe the whole year and a half.  So, I think Colton and school is going to be good...for both of us!  Especially, if he keeps bringing home cute art projects like this:

1 comment:

  1. omg - seeing a little one in a backpack gets me every time. soooo cute!


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