
August 18, 2011

A Few Good Books

At the beginning of the year, I made myself a promise that I would rediscover reading after a prolonged break.  I mean, I did spend the the vast majority of my adult days encouraging the youth of America to read daily, so I felt a little hypocritical.  Luckily, two things happened...I got an iPad (which happens to have a reader) and I got knocked up!  You may be wondering what the h-e-double hockey sticks this has to do with reading?  Well, since I can no longer run/do anything too strenuous at the gym, I can actually see my reading material and because I have an iPad, good books are easily accessible/readable, and I can still listen to my music at the same time...I'm telling you, life is good!
So, in the last couple months, I have completed three FANTASTIC reads.

 I tried to choose things that were varied and not necessarily my typical picks (although admittedly the Emily Griffin book is right up my alley).  Instead of summing up each book for you, I will just tell you that I wholeheartedly recommend each and every one of them.  So, go get one (or all of them) and read away!


  1. I read Bossy Pants, which got me watching 30 Rock on Netflix, which made me love Tina Fey even more. (And kinda made me adore Alec Baldwin too, by association)

  2. You need to read the Hunger Games series. I'm on the last book and they are SOOO good.


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