
August 23, 2011


I don't usually blog in the middle of the day, but I just survived my first earthquake and am a little freaked out!  For those of you not nearby, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake was centered about two hours west of here.  At about 1:45 or so, I was relishing Colton's nap time, resting comfortably on the couch, catching up on my DVR shows and reading some blogs, when I felt some shaking.  At first, I thought maybe it was me...I mean clearly I have been eating plenty, but I don't know, maybe I was shaky or something.  But very quickly (the news just reported it only last 15 seconds total, so it was very quickly), the whole house was clearly shaking, our appliances were rattling, and Chipper was barking.  Amazingly, I actually thought it might be an earthquake, but then thought I was kind of crazy (I mean, Virginia is not exactly known for earthquakes...the news said our last one was in 1887, at least of this size!).  But I knew if anything would fill me in it would be Facebook, and I was not let down.  My whole news feed was filled up with people talking about our Earthquake...many not even in Virginia Beach, but other parts of Virginia and even further north.  CRAZY?!?  Currently, my phone service is out, so you all get the pleasure of listening to my story:)
And now we have Hurricane Irene threatening us this word, I can only handle one natural disaster a week please!


  1. I felt the earthquake in South Carolina!!

  2. We felt the earthquake in Buffalo, NY! Insane.

    Glad you're okay.

  3. Earthquake, hurricane....pretty soon the zombies will invade and the apocalypse will begin! :)
    Glad you all are safe!

  4. Totally crazy! I'm just outside of Philly and it was the strongest one I've ever felt! I could literally feel the ground moving under me!

    I can't imagine what it was like for you being so close! Glad you're okay!


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