
August 22, 2011

Blogiversary + Giveaway

***stay tuned (or just scroll down!) for an AWESOME giveaway at the end of this post***
I can hardly believe it, but today marks one year since I launched this little blog of mine. Over the year, I must say I have grown to thoroughly enjoy blogging.  I started it to give myself a creative outlet and a way to permanently document our lives, and it has certainly served that purpose.  My blog, though, has also kept me motivated to keep trying new things...projects, parties, whatever.  I can hardly fathom that people actually stop by this thing (some daily!) to read it, and to those of you who do, I say a very sincere and humble
 Like most other things, though, my blog is definitely a work in progress.  As I enter year 2, I have set a few goals for myself and this blog:
1.  Get a face lift (well, the blog, not me).  I think it is high time to give this thing a more legitimate look.  I have actually already started the process, but have no idea when it will be done.  Be on the lookout!
2.  Get to know my bloggy friends.  Over the course of the year, so many of you have been so kind to stop by and leave me comments...some of you even daily.  Like that terribly rude friend that never returns phone calls, I have not been so courteous.  Honestly, as much as I love writing my own blog, I don't spend much time reading other blogs.  But I'm going to change that.  Now that I am no longer in the working world, you blog people are my "coworkers," and I want to get to know you better.  Do me a favor, though,...leave me a comment or shoot me an email, so I have some blogs to start visiting!
3.  To go along with #2, I hereby swear (and somebody better hold me to it) that I will respond to it.  Your comments seriously make my day, but I usually read them from my phone as I'm out and about and forget to respond.  Again, going to change...swears it!
4.  Like most other bloggers, I strive to grow my readership (in fact, my private goal is to get to 250 followers in year 2!).  However, I want to do it by producing original content and having people follow me because they are genuinely interested, not because it was some sort of courtesy or something (not that I mind those kind folks either).  I want to give you quality reads (daily, if I can keep that up!). a way of saying THANK YOU for reading and a little bit of a bribe to ask you for some help, I am hosting my second giveaway.  While Target is not an official sponsor of my little blog, I certainly am a big fan of the place and know most of you are too.  One lucky reader, then, will win themselves a $25 Target gift card!!!

Interested?  All you have to do is be a Virginia Beach Housewife follower (if you're not, just click over there to sign up-------------------->).  Then, leave me a comment and let me know which posts you most enjoy reading (DIY stuff, recipes, parties, Colton pics, whatever).  That's it!!!  How easy is that?
So please, please, please help me out (and possibly help yourself out!).  I'm keeping this giveaway open until Friday at 5PM, and then will select a name from the comments at random.  Again, thank you so much for reading!


  1. I've been a follower and incessant commenter for the past few weeks. To me, it's a tie between your DIY posts and your Colton/baby posts. I love them both!

  2. hey! Congrats on the blog-oversary! I'm a faithful follower! My favorite posts are definitely recipes, I've made a couple of yours...DELISH.

    Happy Monday!

  3. -->I'm also in VB. I have enjoyed your posts on the home improvement/decorating/entertaining.


  4. happy blogiversary!! i have some of the same goals! i scratch my head sometimes trying to figure out how some people seem to do everything so quick in bloggyland and i think it boils down to reading other blogs, genuinely commenting and making real connections! good luck and congrats again!

  5. I've been stalking your blog for a while now and leaving very few comments. But I love your party ideas, and I'm expecting my first in January, so of course I love any pregnancy updates and fun things you do with Colton. Best of luck in year 2!

  6. Happy blogiversary! I just found your site and enjoying seeing what all you have...

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I too am a new reader! I just started my own Blog last year when I got engaged to my husband! I blog stalk lots of other women/mothers to make sure I am as hip and cool of a wife/mom as them! I blog stalk ur creativeness! I love it <3

  8. Hey! I've been reading for awhile, but never commented (I actually tried to before, but I was on my phone and it wouldn't ever post for some reason.).
    I like all your posts. The parties, recipes, DIY... all of it. My 9 month old likes to see the pictures of Colton. :)

    Happy Blogiversary!

  9. I'm a follower! I don't comment as much as I should, but I'll try to get better. :)

    I love recipe posts!

    I hope y'all make it through Irene okay!


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