
July 13, 2011

Thar She Blows...

Yep, it's official belly has officially popped:
excuse the hideous post beach and shower outfit
Honestly, I'm a little surprised that the belly doesn't look bigger than that.  It feels absolutely massive (as do my boobs for that matter).
You may wonder why I am bothering to share these little tidbits with you all.  Well, this blog, you see is my own little, very public journal.  I didn't bother to document anything the entire time I was pregnant with Colton.  This time I have been trying to remember when I hit certain landmarks with Colton, namely my belly popping, and figure out when to expect those landmarks this go round.  
I don't intend to have any more children, but I do want to have some sort of record of some of the milestones of this pregnancy.  So, lucky you, my lovely blog you get to be privy to them as well. Thanks for sticking with me:)


  1. Awww, yay! :) (also enjoying Colton's little arm poking out in the background hehe). How much longer til you find out the sex??

  2. oh yes...with his lovey of course! We find out in about 5 weeks

  3. Don't apologize! I love bump pictures!

    Ok, it's official. I'm following you. :)


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