July 25, 2011

Power of Facebook

I am horrible at keeping in touch with people.  Because of this, I have let several friendships go over the years.  While I am not necessarily proud of this fact,  I can also honestly say that I do not mourn the loss of these friendships per se as I do also believe that a lot of times people are meant to come in our lives at different moments and for different reasons and then there are those handful that are with you for the long haul.
Well, that is, except for one...one of my best friends from high school.  We remained really close through college (despite going to different schools), and then when we graduated our lives went in different directions as they tend to do during those years.  I got hurt by some things (which now I totally realize I should have just spoken up and said something and it would have been taken care of....aaaahhh the glory of experience) and let the friendship drift to nothingness.  We lost touch, and it was the one friendship in my life I truly regretted losing.
And then Facebook came along.  Now, I usually concede that Facebook is one big time sucker and really good for not much else...I mean, I'm the person on there that spends hours looking at people's pictures I barely know just cause.  But in this instance, Facebook was the hero.
  A little over a year ago, my old friend and I became friends on Facebook (she requested me...I have a strict no asking someone to be my friend policy).  For a few months I stalked her page and then sent her a message telling her the same things I just told you all: that I usually don't regret letting friendships go, but hers was the one exception, etc. etc.  She wrote back with similar sentiments and we ended up making plans to meet for lunch a couple weeks later (she no longer lives here, but was going to be visiting her parents then).
That was a year ago, and after a lovely lunch spent catching up (and meeting baby Colton), we maintained our  friendship through text and some more Facebook over the past year...although admittedly, she was the initiator most times (I swear, I don't know what my problem is!).  This weekend, we met for lunch again and we already have plans to celebrate her 30th birthday in September.
True friends are hard to find (and keep!), so I am certainly happy I have one more to add to my list!  Without Facebook, I really don't think this story would have had that happy ending.  So...thanks Mark Zuckerburg...I owe you one...
Anybody else have any Facebook success stories?  I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. When I went away to college, I lost touch with all my high school friends. At least with fb, even though we are spattered all over the globe, we keep in touch and support each other through our life events (marriage, babies...). It's a great way to re-connect!


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