
July 6, 2011

I'll Take Two

While usually I reserve Wednesdays for a weekly look at the things I love, this week I am taking a slight departure from that idea.  It's not that I'm not loving stuff...really, I am!  It's more that I'm being quite lazy.  What is it about summer vacation?  You would think with all the extra time off, my ability and motivation to get things done would increase.  But instead, my brain turns to mush, and I can barely concentrate long enough to produce one logical paragraph.
Plus, this week I am so in love with this:
that I don't even need to discuss anything else!  What is it, you ask?  It's CB2's knitted pouf (in camo!).  They have had the knitted poufs for a few seasons now, and I been ogling them the whole time.  But they only came in an orangey/red color and grey...neither of which work into my color scheme.  Someone must be looking out for me because as I looked through my new catalog last night, I spotted this guy immediately...which most definitely fits into my green/blue color scheme of a living room.  YAY!!!
Now, I just need to buy them.  Or better yet...receive them, like for an upcoming anniversary present (someone let Josh know...he doesn't read my blog!), or for a "yay, you're knocked up present" from a well-meaning sibling/friend/parental unit, or for any old reason..I won't be picky.  I just want one (or actually two!).

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