
June 15, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

YAY!  We've made it to another Wednesday.  This one is a pretty significant one for I've been counting down to for quite awhile.  That's right, as of tomorrow, school is officially out (and we only have the kiddos for 2 hours tomorrow, so I think I can handle it).  Summer is here, stay at home mommyhood is is good!  Obviously, that would be enough to make any week FANTASTIC, but I am super lucky and have lots of other things making me happy this Wednesday, so I'm linking up with Jamie at this kind of love.

I'm loving my coworkers.  I work with a lot of fantastic people, but was super blessed to be surrounded by an amazing team for the past 6 years (for you non-teaching peeps, your team is the people that are on your grade level).  When we started, we were all brand new to first grade (most of us to teaching) and paved the way together.  Over the years, we not only mastered teamwork, but these ladies became some of my best friends, both in school and out of school.  One of them ditched us to head up to the hardcore world of 4th grade a couple of years ago, (which is why she is not in the below picture taken on our zoo field trip), but we remain close.  Sadly, we are all going our separate ways next to stay home, one is tackling a career change, one is moving to northern Virginia, and the fourth will remain where we have always been.  I am hopeful, though, that the friendships we have built will remain strong.

I'm loving my class.  Being surrounded by 24 six and seven year olds can get a bit trying at times no matter how fantastic the children may be, but this group was truly one of my best.  They are smart, sweet, fun, and well-behaved...enough to make my 7+ hours with them each day for the past 180 days rewarding and worthwhile.  Plus, their parents were unbelievably supportive as I tried to navigate my way through my first year as a working mom.  Seeing as this will now be my last group for awhile, they were definitely a high note to go out on!

I'm loving Target's Mossimo Kimono Sleeve dresses.  Now that school is out, I will live in these dresses for the next few months.  I already have one in black and green, and just bought one in purple since they are on sale this week for only $15!!!.

I'm loving Skinny Cow's Heavenly Crisp peanut butter candy bars.  Have you all had these things?  Perfection.  Amazing.  Delicious.  Need I say more?  If you're familiar with the Skinny Cow ice cream products, these go along the same healthy lines (110 calories, 3 grams fiber, and 6 grams fat per bar) but are even more delicious (in my opinion).  There are other flavor options available, but so far I have only tried the peanut ones...I can't wait to try the others!
So that's what I'm loving!  What about you?


  1. I love those Skinny Cow Crisps, they are yummy!
    Following you from WILW:-)

  2. I loved working with the three of you so much!!! We will HAVE to get the dream team together for dinner on a regular basis :)

  3. I love those dresses from Target!!


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