
June 8, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

We've arrived (thankfully) at another Wednesday, which means it's time to take another look at all the things that make me smile.  If you want to play along, go link up with Jamie over at this kind of love.

I'm loving my big news from yesterday...definitely made for a good start to the week.  To make it even better, I just found out one of my best friends from high school is also preggo and due within days of me and my cousin is due about 10 days after me.  I didn't have anyone to go through my last pregnancy with, so I am super excited to have some partners in crime this time around.

I'm loving rainy Sunday mornings.  We were lucky enough to have one this past weekend, and although I'm usually a sunshine fan, it was such a nice excuse to lounge around.  Our whole family: Josh, me, Colton, and of course, Chipper, spent some time laying in bed together.  True, with a toddler, it didn't last long, but even those few minutes were enough to remind me how lucky we are to have each other.

I'm loving that my little boy has become cuddly again lately.  I think it is his attempts at hugs, and they usually come when he sees a stranger and is acting shy, but when he buries his little body into my chest or rubs his face into mine, I just about melt.

I'm loving this window mirror from Pier 1.  Truth be told, I actually fell in love with his much larger cousin, the Eagan mirror from Pottery Barn, months ago.  But that guy was priced at a whopping $700, so I knew it was not within my reach.  This lovely option from Pier 1 is only $150!!!  Now the only problem is that Josh keeps reminding me that "we are about to be a one income family," so even $150 is out of our range (according to him).  There are several DIY tutorials out there, but they require saws and things, and I just don't know if I can swing that.  So, for now, I'm just going to connive drool over this budget option.
Window Mirror
Finally, I'm loving that there are only 6 days left of school (and 4 are those are early release days!).  Basically, the year is over and considering I officially plan on filing my resignation papers today, it appears my teaching career is as well (well, at least for a few years anyways).  While I am a little sad at this prospect, I am mostly giddy that my hours next year will be spent learning, growing, and bonding with my baby boy (and his younger sibling eventually as well). 

So, that's about it...some pretty major stuff for me this week, geez...I am one lucky girl!


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