June 1, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Yay for three day weekends and the fact that Wednesday is already upon us!  Time to check in with Jamie over at this kind of love  for a weekly look at the things that are making me smile.
I'm loving beach days!  The weather around here has been HOT, but it's all good because that just means the beach is the perfect place to spend the day.  I've mentioned before that my parents moved over the winter to their new beachfront address, and let me tell you...it makes going to the beach even better (just check out our setup below)!  Plus, the setting is perfect for an after beach cookout.   And even better, my sweet baby boy seems to have inherited his mom's beach loving genes, so I guess we know where we'll be spending our time once school (finally) gets out in 12 days.
I think we've got this covered
Colton and his Papa (my dad)

I'm loving root beer floats.  Someone happened to leave a bottle of root beer and some vanilla ice cream at our house.  I was craving something sweet this weekend and whipped up the classic combo last week, and now...well, I'm hooked!  Daily root beer float?  Why, yes, please... 
I'm loving that there are only 11 days left of school...thank goodness!!!  I am definitely fried right now and ready for a much-needed and much-extended (like, indefinitely) vacation.  I know being a stay-at-home mom will be challenging as well, but I am so excited that my days will be spent with my sweet baby boy and minus the stressors that go into getting to work, doing my job, and getting us home, fed, and bathed before bedtime. 

Speaking of needing a vacation, I am sure there are many more things I am loving, but my brain is short circuiting right now and I just can't think (please tell me that happens to you all sometimes as well).  Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday:)    


  1. Oh root beer floats - YUM!! I love beach days too, but being in the middle of the country prevents that. Guess the pool will have to do. haha

    Happy Wednesday! :)

  2. awww Root Beer floats sound YUMMY!!!

  3. I'm totally loving the beach weather. Now if I could only make my way to the beach!!!!!


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